Show off your Android: the Home Sweet Home(screen) Edition! to – 194 points –

Hey Android enthusiasts!

Calling all customization lovers! πŸ“±πŸŒŸ Show off your amazing homescreen setups and join the fun! Whether it’s sleek and minimalistic or vibrant and expressive, we want to see it all!

Share a screenshot of your homescreen and let us know your device, favorite launcher, widgets, and must-have first page apps! Bonus upvotes for before/after examples!

Let’s exchange some creative inspiration! 🦾


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I LOVED Windows Phone, and was DEVASTATED when it got discontinued. As a result, for the past 5 years, I've slowly trudged along, trying to reach a position where I can make my Android phone look and (kinda) function like my old Lumia 525.

After years of research, Square Home Launcher. The dev is awesome, and the one-time fee isn't that bad.

Here's how my screen looks:

Yeah, high-five for SquareHome launcher. I never used a Windows Phone, but SHL caught my eye and it's amazing. Props for the cat photo on the home screen.

Ah man you're lucky you didn't use a Windows Phone. You'd be crying yourself to sleep knowing Mobile OSes reached perfection and then it was cancelled 😭.

SHL is extremely powerful and very intuitive. Especially as a WP user.

Also, I waited till the live tile updated to Simba's photo. No meow, No post πŸ€ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ.

I still have a Lumia 1520 and 1020 because I can't get rid of them. For whatever reason, I never got on board with SHL though. I think I found it too long after I had accepted that Windows Phone was gone...

Ah man.

You could maybe sell them online?


I think I found it too long after I had accepted that Windows Phone was gone...

saddest sentence ever 😭

Sorry my wording was ambiguous. I meant I don't want to get rid of them. I still have an old Palm Pre and Pixi around somewhere too. And an HP Touchpad and Zune...

I'm not nostalgic for much, but I love my old underdog tech. Lol


Bruh listen, I've never felt physical pain when nostalgic about anything apart from the ending of Windows Phone. I get your sentiment πŸ˜‚.

Nice kitty! Do you follow (All Orange cats have one brain cell)? Good luck with your Japanese class!

That is a great app and does a perfect job of recreating Windows phone.

Nice setup. Very informative.

Ikr. The dev is really responsive and is open to suggestions. I love it.

Thanks man. I miss WP 😭.