Get Used to It: Biden Isn’t Going Anywhere to politics – 117 points –
Get Used to It: Biden Isn’t Going Anywhere

Democrats have all the spontaneity of the House of Windsor. Or, closer to home, they’re closer to what Republicans once were, a party that falls in line not in love.


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So I shouldn't be angry at Trump and his people for doing it?

Is this like being angry at Chamberlain for allowing Hitler to start WWII and ignoring the fact that Hitler started WWII.

There is absolutely a historical case to be made that appeasement was a fatal error leading to the rise of Nazi Germany.

We cant blame snakes for being snakes. What we need is some snake wranglers. We've had 4 years to prevent Trump and did nothing.

We get what we deserve

Considering we might literally lose our country to fascism, no it wasn't good enough.

The stakes are simply too high for failure, any amount, period.

It feels like nobody is taking this seriously. You have the last poster and the very same breath talking about the death camps coming for their daughter, and even they don't seem to be taking it seriously.

It's all about to crumble down and we're not asking for what needs to be done to fix it.

For God's sake, I remember progressives accurately complaining about merrick garland when he was appointed telling Biden it was a very bad appointment.

There's a historical case to be made that Hitler is blameless? Really?

Way to not at all read what I said.

Me: "This Is like being angry at Chamberlain for allowing Hitler to start WWII and ignoring the fact that Hitler started WWII."

You: "There is absolutely a historical case to be made that appeasement was a fatal error leading to the rise of Nazi Germany."

Me: "There’s a historical case to be made that Hitler is blameless?"

You: "Way to not at all read what I said."

Sure seems to me like you said Hitler is blameless when your comment is put in context.

Both can be to blame, my brother/sister.

Clearly, the implication is that one is obviously the substantially worse evil, but somebody has to stop them. What is your solution to stopping them?

You literally invoked your daughter here and somehow you don't see the urgency here.

We have a problem. A big one. Who is supposed to stop it? Why havent they stopped it yet?

As far as I can tell, the solution is to get Biden elected whether you like him or not.

What's your solution? It's too late to primary him. Ross Perot and Ralph Nader showed that third party runs don't work.

I'm going to vote for him and throw up in my mouth when it happens. What happens if enough people don't ? Because I suspect that's what's gonna happen.

This isn't a hypothetical. What are you going to do when the death squads come for your daughter? I'm personally scared pissless. It doesn't seem like democratic leadership is.

The election was supposed to be the last line of defense. Not the first.

The way I see it, because we drug our feet, we have one shot at this, and we better pray Joe Biden's enough.

All we can do is flee and hope we can flee to somewhere safe. There's really no other thing that can be done. I'm not going to have both of us go out in a firefight.