Mike Johnson Is Very Close to Losing Control of the House

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 191 points –
Mike Johnson Is Very Close to Losing Control of the House

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Well, the anti democratic swill that are the Rethuglican congress members are showing their true colours as Ruzzian collaborators.

why did anybody everything wordplay in politics was a good idea, i genuinely can't stand it. You wanna make shitty jokes be my guest, do something other than mashing two words together because funny.

It looks stupid when republicans do it, it looks dumb when liberals do it. It's not very clever, it doesn't aid at all in making ANY point. I don't even see the humor.

maybe i'm just too disillusioned for this shit.

No, you're right. It's dumb.

it really is, it's so obnoxious i genuinely can't stand it.

I think i would actually respect someone less if they did it infront of me IRL.

I try to downvote ever post where I see that crap. This name calling shit is childish and serves no purpose. Hell, it maybe makes things worse.

People on the name calling side, "Yeah! We scored one!"

People on the other side, "Fucking children."

literally this.

I am not the kind of person to tell on people cuz i just don't give a shit. But genuinely, i think this should be a firable offense.

I genuinely think an employer presented this post, should reconsider said employment.