Recommend me some Quality of Life Android applications

My Password Is to Open – 147 points –

the title says it all 😀


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  • Gadgetbridge - If you have compatible fitness/smart watch. keeps data local
  • OpenTracks - Tracking your run/walk/hikes. keeps data local
  • Organic Maps - Offline Maps and navigation
  • Feeder - RSS reader
  • Syncthing-fork -Syncing files across devices
  • mpv-android - Fast no frills video player.

All available on F-Droid

Syncthing-fork is a must for battery life. You can get it to sync for only X minutes per hour.

It also helps a lot if you set the IP/domain manually so it doesn't always have to talk to the relay first.

How does this work when you don't have a static IP address?

First, if you can swing it I'd recommend getting a server with a static IP. You can get can get them as cheap as a few bucks a year from ofc with that they may have more downtime than 5/mo boxes.

Anyway, if you don't wanna pay you can use something like duckdns for dynamic DNS and get a free domain that automatically points to your new IP whenever it changes. Works well if you're hosting from home. :)