Toronto police increase presence along hospital row after pro-Palestinian protest to World – -12 points –

Protest swiftly condemned by all levels of government; organizing group denies hospital targeted

Toronto police say they are increasing their presence along hospital row after a pro-Palestinian protest downtown on Monday night, including outside Mount Sinai Hospital.

Toronto Police Service spokesperson Stephanie Sayer told CBC News the increased police presence is to ensure that essential hospital services and emergency routes remain accessible.

"Interfering with the operations of a hospital is not acceptable," Sayer wrote in an email.

Police have not said if the hospital's operations were impacted by the protest. The hospital has not responded to CBC News's request for comment.

"The Toronto Police Service is investigating several incidents that occurred in front of Mount Sinai Hospital and along the demonstration route. As we have said before, officers use their discretion during large crowd demonstrations and even if arrests are not deemed safe to make at the time, investigations will continue and charges can be laid at a later date," Sayer said.


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At what point do you ask yourself "are we the baddies?" Apparently full blown antisemitism isn't that point for you.

At what point do you ask yourself “are we the baddies?”

You think that point would be when you're bombing hospitals, murdering children, and torturing civilians.

But hey, we still have people defending Israel and calling everyone supporting Palestinians as antisemitic ¯\(ツ)

Anything Jews disagree with turns into antisemitism, shits crazy.

Because they are protesting a hospital founded by Canadian Jews. There is an Israeli consulate in Toronto, but they choose to protest a Hospital founded by Canadian Jews instead. They aren't distinguishing between Israelis and Jews from other countries. The just hate Jews. That's the definition of antisemitism.

I'm unsure how you equate a pro-Palestinan march with anti-semitism when they are CLEARLY not the same thing.

I don't hate Jews or Israelis. I hate that Netanyahu has decided to murder over 30,000 people - mostly women and children - to divert attention away from his corruption trial.

I hate that nations around the world sit back and do nothing while thousands are killed to satiate his bloodlust.

And I hate it when people like yourself refuse to use critical thinking skills when looking at all the facts available, and see who's really responsible for this shit storm.

Was it right for Hamas to kidnap Israelis? No it wasn't. But that should never be an excuse for an elected leader, who's in an active court case on corruption charges, to murder 10's of thousands of women and children.

refuse to use critical thinking skills

The most dedicated of these people have literal orders to combat criticism of the state of Israel. This is warfare, for all intents and purposes and they don't want you to know it.

Maybe use some critical thinking skills yourself.

They are protesting a hospital founded by Canadian Jews in a city where there's an Israeli Consulate.

They aren't just protesting Israel anymore. They're protesting all Jews without distinguishing where they're from. Hating all Jews (both Canadian and Israeli) is antisemitism.

At what point does a pro Palestinian March turn into antisemitism?

Because YOU don't agree doesn't mean it's antiemetic.

When they're protesting Canadian Jews in a city where there's an Israeli consulate they could be protesting, that's antisemitism.

Neither are Semites so we’re even.

This is also antisemitic. You're not talking about just Israel, you're expressing negative feelings about all Jews. You're antisemitic, plain and simple.

Protesting Israel's actions you imbicile

Yeah and instead of protesting at the Israeli consulate, they protested a hospital founded by Canadian Jews. Who's the imbecile? The people who see no distinction between Israelis and Canadian Jews, or people who rightly condemn this as antisemitism?

But you're forgetting that protests that happen in places they normally aren't get a shit ton of more coverage. Do you think they would have gotten any coverage in front of a consulate?

is it in bad taste, probably, but that's what gets people talking. But all y'all see is they hate Jews. No they hate what Israel is doing.

Yeah it gets people talking about this Palestinian group being antisemitic.

But all y’all see is they hate Jews.

Gee... wonder why that is? It's so unfair these people are being judged by their actions!

INB4 the inevitable "both sides" arguments.

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