How are you doing? to Ask – 48 points –

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Wdym by that?

I mean: are you willing to try something easy and dead simple to sleep like the dead perchance?

Have at it, I'll take all the advice I can get

I'll do it in baby steps and keep the dialogue open. Okay, you ready to try what I suggest tonight, promise? It'll be easy

Dawg you're stringing me a long It's not a gun right?

No way. So here's what I want you to do: (step 1)

  1. Get an album or even better, an audiobook for a story you love. Go do that and make sure you really "have it" (nobody can undownload or delete it, taking it away somyou can maintain your consistent structure)

You need something you like and that doesn't rattle you + you'll be cool with listening to like everynight. Don't worry so much about being bored or whatever: if all goes well, you won't be listening too long to the point you may never finish it lol


  • are you on Android/iPhone?
  • can you make sure you have it completely dark? Whether ambiently or by wearing a comfy sleep mask?

Oh man the only thing I can think of is the Magnus archives but that keeps me up at night if anything. Perhaps Lord of the rings? Or maybe the Percy Jackson series, I read the fuck out of that when I was a kid.

I use android

Room is as dark as I can physically get it, I live in a apartment and there is a bright ass light right outside my window and while I have blackout curtains a little seeps through the cracks.

My autism doesn't let me have things on my face so a sleep mask is a no go unfortunately.

Is it the consistency that helps you fall asleep? Because normally stories keep me up.

Just think of an album or book that you know so well its sort of boring to listen to but still comfy cuz you know it from going through it several times previously

No excuses, figure it out. Comfy but goddamn have I read/listened to this so many times aha

I'll make it easy: -get the app SpeechCentral and buy it one-time (~$10). Get an ePub for a book you don't mind hearing via audio. Import it and put it on at bedtime.

Let me know how it goes.

I'll update tomorrow night, I'm with my girlfriend tonight so I won't get the chance

Infinite Jest is a good choice lol. That book is like Great Gatsby on steroids and impossibly long, unnavigable.

You just need something to get lost in , rinse and repeat, sunrise sunset