Google is making a map of methane leaks for the whole world to see to – 83 points –
Google is making a map of methane leaks for the whole world to see

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This is getting out of hand. What's next? We're gonna name and shame individual cows?

The majority of the big leaks come from oil and gas wells and processing and other industrial facilities, so I think Bessie is safe for now.

@lemmeout @realitista what's next is the eco terrorist crowd wants people to eat bugs and dead bodies rather than cows...

...if cows weren't raised for milk and food what does these Ecoscammers expect - ok we won't eat them, but their farts blow holes in the ozone layer... so if we stop eating them are we just going to kill the cows so they stop producing methane? These Eco people want to kill more cows than a hungry truck driver. All livestock.

I'll stick to cows. (Sorry!)

Do you think cows magically appear out of thin air? We breed them specifically to be eaten/milked. If we stop eating them, there will simply be less breeding. It's not like we have to kill a surplus, we just "empty our stockpile" and don't breed more.

Except they don't, because insects and corpses are animals too.

I get the point you're trying to make but it falls flat if you peek in on that part of the world once in a while.

@drwho well technically corpses are dead animals.... that don't burp and fart methane... I mean for a short while they do. This is the problem with trees too. If we think let's plant trees to absorb the carbon - when the tree dies the carbon is released into the environment.

@lemmeout @realitista I am being sarcastic but if certain eco folks it's not like they are PETA - for the eco crowd it's that we have just too many cows, too many pigs, they want us to stop raising them so that their populations die out....

PETA would say don't eat them, but let them populate all of the land.

ECO folks want the population of cows to go down 90%. They ain't pro cow.