Apple is officially dropping iPhone support for web apps in the EU - The Verge to – 654 points –
Yep, Appleā€™s breaking iPhone web apps in the EU

Apple being Apple again. Just why does anyone actually like that company?


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You can, but then I'd have to pay $99 per year to Apple to have it on the App Store. 3rd party app stores are gonna be a wild west for a while, so not sure it's viable as an option.

I just made my app as a PWA, just few months ago, just to support iOS. F**k them. I'm not making any effort for iOS apps anymore.

Yep, fuck them. For me it was not the deciding factor in making my app a PWA, but it definitely was one of the reasons I went for it.

I already had android app written in kotlin, so I didn't need PWA. I guess it's cool that I can use this PWA on computer, even if nobody would use my app on computer. When somebody asks me, why my app is not on App Store, I just ask them, would they pay 99$ per year for an app, and they say never. Well, there is your answer.

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