How can a ugly and short guy compensate for his looks? to No Stupid – 29 points –

I am talking about love in the sense of romantic love. I am very short and ugly which makes me very unattractive. Never had a girlfriend or touched a girl. I have many girl friends but one of them was my crush but I never asked her as I knew she would never like me. I know people will say that just get successful and rich and girls will like you, but will they like me or just money. What is the point of dating then. Is there any way I will get genuine love or am I destined to live alone for life.

All the girls say they want a tall guy, I can't grow my height, trust me I tried, I visited the doctor, I tried exercise, I tried hormones, I tried a special diet that some random YouTuber told me, I tried everything. I can't become tall for you. I am still thinking about limb lengthening surgery, The doctor said it is very risky and very possible I could never walk, but I want to take every chance possible. Trust me I tried. As soon as I get money I am doing surgery. This was my limit I can't go beyond that.


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Looks and height aren't as big factors as you think. Anyone who rejects you based on your looks or height was never going to be a good partner regardless of your looks or height. Carry yourself with confidence (fake it til you make it if ya gotta) and you'll find a lot more success. Also, rejection isn't life ending. No Means Next. Don't let it destroy you.

Have some interests and hobbies you genuinely enjoy. Be funny and able to make good conversations. Be a mensch. As you age, as well, that will matter A LOT more in dating than looks or height.

And get off the dating apps. They all suck for everyone.

Also, if you aspire to "improve yourself" to this end, make sure you're doing it FOR YOURSELF first and foremost. Not for love or sex or dating or any of that. If you put that up on a pedestal as your goal, it'll make it that much harder to maintain your good habits when things don't work out as you hope they will. If you want someone to love you, be someone who you love first.

Also also, a lot of this is far easier to say and read than it is to do, and that's okay. You cannot expect yourself to internalize a new mentality overnight nor is the path to success in any goal a straight line up. It's okay to do well some days and not well others, remind yourself you're on an upward trajectory in the long run and that it's okay to fall back a bit because you'll bounce back from it in the future.

I am 5'4". I've only recently dropped below 200 lbs. I've been with my current partner for years and before then I was a fucking SLUT. Don't be your own enemy in this and you'll do just fine.

And get off the dating apps. They all suck for everyone.

I still don't know where I'd find someone not on dating apps, I can only think of clubs or something but I definitely do not enjoy being there

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