Is there a line from a movie that really resonated with you but when you say it most people don't get the reference? to – 155 points –

Mine is from an early 2000s film called Vanilla Sky.

“The sweet is never as sweet without the sour.”


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I had a roommate once who kept walking in and contributing to conversations with no idea what was happening, so "You're out of your element!" became a staple.

I once had a dog who was a bit of an asshole, but I loved the cheeky bastard. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be in the kitchen and would purposely lie on the floor and place one paw on the kitchen tile that separated it from the living room and just stared at me. I’d frequently shout, “OVER THE LINE!”

But that was just between me and him. :)

OMG I'm gonna start using this. My dogs also know not to come in the kitchen but they think as long as their back feet are still on the carpet they are not in the kitchen.