Trump Predicts Mass Exodus From NY Over His Court Loss to politics – 258 points –
Trump Predicts Mass Exodus From NY Over His Court Loss

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Right... The city that had hated his guts long before his presidency is going to be sad about him facing some justice.

This. NYC hated Trump for years before any of the rest of us even knew who he was.

Back in the late '80s and early '90s Trump always made the top 10 of Spy magazine's "100 worst people, places or things" feature. In 1987 (when he was #3 on the list), his only mitigating factors were "didn't run for office" and "offered to pay for the funeral of child killed by bear". I'm willing to bet he never actually paid for the funeral.

My favorite Trump story. He lucked into a chance to make the Manhattan elites love and respect him, and threw it away because of his own greed, arrogance, and stupidity.

Guest appaeance by John Barron

It’s so pathetic to me that Trump named one of his sons after his alter ego.

I like to imagine that Fred Trump vetoed 'Barron' while he was alive, and that's why Eric is 'Eric'