Trump Predicts Mass Exodus From NY Over His Court Loss to politics – 258 points –
Trump Predicts Mass Exodus From NY Over His Court Loss

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He's probably commenting on the state of real estate in NYC. If everyone got called on their square footage claims and mortgages, well, it'd be interesting.

Louis Rossmann has covered some of this in his videos hunting for store space in NYC.

He’s not. He’s just being a cry-baby and pandering to his base. The square footage claims were a drop in the bucket as far as the evidence is concerned. Read the full judgement here, it’s approachable to the layperson:

It would be in his nature to take the smallest (and most defensible) claim and pretend that's the whole of it, no?

I wouldn't recommend assigning any sort of intelligent agency to his words right now.

He's an extreme narcissist. He's very likely saying this because he thinks that he's the best at business and so if he leaves, everyone else in business will leave.

He makes the same claims about losing the presidency or literally anything else. It's the narcissist last hope. "you don't know what you're missing out on by not letting me commit crimes in your state!"

Por que no los dos? As the other commenter pointed out, the ruling was on much more than square footage.