Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer to – 368 points –
Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer

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Five years ago, I would have said, "Nah, they can throw money at it and make it better. So we should stay."

But now, Google has a massive history of giving up and killing products. Devs and open source are making comparable alternatives. The general public is turning on even Google Search. And even my own job is considering Google alternatives.

The next five years are going to be anybody's game.

Using Google products is starting to feel like watching season 1 of a Netflix produced show - I don't want to invest energy into something that'll just get cancelled.

I still have an existential crisis whenever im faced with the decision of giving out my google voice number vs my normal one.