Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. to – 1408 points –

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Windows 11 offers nothing better than Windows 10, but there's a few key things that don't work as good/bugged on win11 for me. Should have not updated I think

The only thing windows 11 had that windows 10 didnt is wslg ( the integrated x server in windows substystem for linux, aka the linux vm inside windows ), but they ported that to win10 last year. Fuck windows 11...

Bluetooth connection on win 11 is an awful drop in quality

Okay it's not just me

Not at all. I couldn't go for more than a couple hours on win 11 without an issue with BT. Whereas I basically don't have issues with BT on Win 10. Maybe once every few months with a controller, but that's just a quick re-pairing to sort.

Honestly If I'm going to upgrade my OS it's gonna be Linux not Windows 11

I just went out of my way to buy a refurbished laptop with Win10 instead of a brand new one with Win11.

There's performance issues with this years windows updates especially if you have an amd CPU

This is the Last time I update win 11, only exception is their security patches they not buggy.