Biden: US Congress to blame for fall of Avdiivka to politics – 297 points –
Biden: US Congress to blame for fall of Avdiivka

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Because Republicans like Israel. They also like Russia, which is why they don't like Ukraine; Russia's paying them, Ukraine isn't.

Israels munitions aid wasnt contingent on the republicans, because it didn't need congress approval since it technically was a sale. My qustion is, why isn't this done for Ukraine. Even if they didn't have any money, some other ally could purchase the munitions for them and give the aid to them.

European countries have been spending that money on building out their own munitions factories instead of buying shells from outside the EU. There are various posts about this on here. That'll lead to a better situation in the medium term but in the short term few shells are being supplied.

They can do both, especially if biden gives then a discount as well.

Money doesn't just appear out of nowhere in Europe either. And spending it on US shells might not be the top priority.

And yet everyone still makes a big humdrum about how "Democracy itself is at stake!". Why aren't you giving them the munitions they need then? Biggest defeat since bakhmut, their need is urgent, but no, gotta build the factories that will supply munitions sometime in the future first.

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