This Is Why Tesla’s Stainless Steel Cybertrucks May Be Rusting to – 140 points –
This Is Why Tesla’s Stainless Steel Cybertrucks May Be Rusting

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Maybe. I read my manual cover to cover and nowhere did it say you had to immediately wash off bird shit. And I haven't and it hasn't stained or rusted. This car is pathetic.

Bird shit will damage the paint of any car. Your ignorance doesn't make this a bad vehicle. A simple web search will clear this up for you.

There was a time when yes it did. Back when the manufacturers switched to more environmentally safe paints in the late 90s/early 00s.

But they got their ducks in a row quickly, these days it's fine. Similar to the many solder ball cracking issues caused by lead free solder when it first appeared.

Ten years of bird shit and no stains. 2 days of water and it rusted. Lol.

Or you could just continue on being ignorant, that's a choice too 🤷

How are they being ignorant? The Tesla is clearly built like Swiss cheese.

I've been very clear about why they're ignorant: they don't understand that bird shit damages the paint on all vehicles.

Lmaoooo, it's the severity and how fast it happens people are shitting on.

ROFLCOPTER What severity are you referring to? Damage only takes a few hours in either case.

You get you can treat damaged paint, right? Like have you ever buffed and polished a vehicle? Yes paint may get damaged, but there are things you can do to make it look good again. You simply cannot do this on the Cybertruck.

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