Started looking into ente to replace Google Photos and Gmail marked them as spam to Mildly – 273 points –

Coincidence? Surely Google knows this is a legitimate company.


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I doubt it's because it's a competing service and it's more likely because it's a .io TLD... which is notorious for being used by phishers, spammers, and scammers unfortunately.\_com/forum/all/io-domain-spam-emails-out-of-control/6206daee-e035-4986-8d27-4c7d248a3350

I have sent an email to my gmail from an io domain with no issue… it took a lot of server side configuration though.

Not so sure about that, a quick search through my emails reveals emails from and that had no trouble getting to me.

That said, I have found that even some sites that have .io don't have it in their emails, they use a slightly different domain.

So maybe some sites have been whitelisted or it's one of many heuristics Google uses.