MAGA freaks out after Fox News reports Obama in top 10 presidents — and Trump in dead last to politics – 861 points –
MAGA freaks out after Fox News reports Obama in top 10 presidents — and Trump in dead last

Fox News reported on some new presidential rankings, which purportedly show Barack Obama as the #6 president in U.S. history and Donald Trump dead last, and MAGA was not happy.

Fox News on Sunday posted an article about the new rankings by the Presidential Greatness Project, which Fox describes as "a group of self-styled experts." It states that Abraham "Lincoln topped the list of presidents in the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project expert survey for the third time, following his top spot in the rankings in the 2015 and 2018 versions of the survey."


"Rounding out the top five in the rankings were Franklin Delano Roosevelt at number two, George Washington at three, Theodore Roosevelt at four, and Thomas Jefferson at five," according to the report. "Trump was ranked in last place in the survey, being ranked worse than James Buchanan at 44, Andrew Johnson at 43, Franklin Pierce at 42, and William Henry Harrison at 41."

The report states that Obama and Joe Biden "ranked an average of 6th and 13th, respectively, among Democrat respondents, and 15th and 30th by Republicans."


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I'd hazard a guess that it's less to do with his conduct as president, rather more of what he actually did in office. I honestly can't think of anything his administration "achieved" aside from massive tax cuts for the rich. Obama had the ACA, Biden has his massive economic recovery and job creation, Trump has nothing of value.

. I honestly can't think of anything his administration "achieved" aside from massive tax cuts for the rich.

Does fucking up the covid response and breaking the brains of all Americans count as achievements?

Usually when I try to think of it all I can remember is space force. Still a stupid name, and I can’t believe they couldn’t come up with something better.

Not sure if that’s achieved though, but was prolly a good thing to have a dedicated group to it then funneling through the Air Force

The Space Force was a long time coming. Trump didn't come up with the idea for an entire new branch of the armed forces and have it created while he was in office.

From wiki

The first discussion of a U.S. Space Force occurred under President Dwight Eisenhower's administration in 1958 and it was nearly established in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative. The 2001 Space Commission argued for the creation of a Space Corps around 2007–2011, but due to the September 11 attacks and war on terror any plans were put on hold. In 2017, Representatives Jim Cooper and Mike Rogers' proposal for a Space Corps passed the House but failed in the Senate. In 2019, the House and Senate resolved their differences to pass the United States Space Force Act. It was signed into law by President Donald Trump, establishing the U.S. Space Force as the first new independent military service since the Army Air Forces were reorganized as the U.S. Air Force in 1947.[9]

If you want to credit it to Eisenhower sure, but still technically it was established under trump so that’s the best I have for remembering what he did in office.

I still think it's a little premature, but probably only by a decade or so.

I still have a hard time taking them seriously, with the way it was rolled out. I know it’s probably a good idea, given how critical space technology is, and that it will just keep getting more and more critical, but wow did they make it sound ridiculous at first. It’s hard to get past that first inpression

Agreed. Add to it Steve Carell’s show (although wasn’t great) after definitely didn’t help its credibility.