Biden instructed aides to dial up attacks on Trump’s wild comments to politics – 149 points –
Biden instructed aides to dial up attacks on Trump’s wild comments | CNN Politics

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Mate, it ain't a one time thing...

Acting like it only convinces the people you're talking to that you lie about stuff, or believe the wild claims that whenever you're not looking at Biden he magically transforms into a competent energetic young man.

Either way, you're not convincing anyone to vote Biden after doing that.

Maybe I'm just bad at communicating too. You know who's good at it?

Jon Stewart

Love Jon Stewart. You two are not communicating the same point.

I don't think most people that watched the first episode would agree with you

But definitely not the second one where he talked about the blowback from the first...

Anectodal counter: watched first episode, agree with the other guy