California Bill Would Require Landlords to Accept Pets to politics – 554 points –
California Bill Would Require Landlords to Accept Pets | KQED

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So the Starbucks employee should like in eternal squalor and be grateful to barely make ends meet. But hey, those more fortunate needs their expensive coffee too, that money will trickle down any day now.

Starbucks employees shouldn’t be rich, it’s an entry level food service job. People that make a decent living work better jobs, or are good enough at their starbucks jobs that they become manager and move up the chain to the point they can make a decent living.

Yet they still need the ability to pay their rent to work where they're needed.

Yes, like in a less expensive area, where the wages they get would go a lot farther.

So you end up with no Starbuck in LA.

This person lives in the middle of nowhere to the extent that it's surprising that they have internet access. This person has never been near a city of more than 100,000 people and just watches TV nonstop while complaining about how horrible people are who live in different places and in different ways.

Currently in a city of ~330,000. Sitting comfortably and watching youtube.

City lol

You’re not a city until you hit 1m. Until then you’re a large town with an inflated ego.

“You’re not a city until you hit 1m.” So what you’re saying is there are only 9 cities in the entire United States? I think you have your definitions wrong, or you live in New York / Los Angeles and have no clue what most of the US is like.

Worse: there are really only three cities in the US: NYC, San Fran, and Chicago. They are the only ones that meet the definition that people around the world accept as being a city. The rest of the US is just large towns unless you're going to argue that Omaha is like Paris somehow.

There is in fact no generally agreed uppon definition of a city. Most people would call Boston a city, but it only has 675k people. Most people wouldn’t call Wells a city, but the British do. Most people would call London a city, but not the British. Generally, a city is a defined area with more density than surrounding areas over 100,000 people, and a significant other factor, be it cultural, administrative, or historical.

On your second point, the US has nine cities over the 1 million mark according to the 2020 census. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, San Diego, and Dallas. Boston is number 25 with 675k. Omaha is number 40.