The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now | Joel Warner to – 16 points –
The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now | Joel Warner

From its recent rulings to its billionaire donor scandals, this supreme court term has been defined by judicial activist Leonard Leo


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Arm yourselves and organize. Politicians aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.

Can anyone explain to me how guns will help if the national guard is at your door? Or the military? Do people really think that they could go to war against the United States because the US government becomes overrun by fascists?

At worst you'll be labeled a terrorist and immediately murdered. Even if you ignore the military, brandishing a gun Infront of a cop is a death sentence (if you aren't white).

The black panthers are really the best example of the (few) benefits and many costs of armed community defense. It's much worse now, too.