32 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Steam engine breaks, you can fix it.

Steam engine with digital circuit breaks, you're a hacker, a pirate. DRM was a mistake.

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Do it! Do it!

I want all the money drained out of there.

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One day you black out. You wake up. You're now $20,000 in debt.

None of this debt makes sense to begin with. This change doesn't fix that.

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To sum:

  • Republican minority threw tantrum, because McCarthy passed a 45 day funding bill with Dem votes, and called a vote to vacate
  • McCarthy before the vote "They don't have to vote to out me"
  • Votes counted, need 5 Republicans to flip, and 8 did flip
  • McCarthy blames the Dems
  • Matt Gaetz blames the Dems
  • Media ask why won't Dens save McCarthy
  • Conspiracy already brewing in real time, it's all Biden scheme to install a puppet speaker

It's not my responsibility and it's all your fault. You can't make this up.

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The irony of strict immigration laws being pushed by right wing politics would mean a hard working resident, contributing to community for all his life, will get deported on next arrest and get no recognition from the US because misrepresenting yourself as a US citizen is almost an automatic bar on citizen application in current courts.

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Two things that make Trump the worst and arguably traitor to the US. Just so you know where I stand.

  1. He literally try to overturn an election and remain king.

  2. He piled on $8,400,000,000,000 to national debt. $2.5T came from his stupid tax cut law, which were only off set in the billions of increased tariffs, and about $2.3 from discretionary spending increase, plain old Republicans in charge and spending out the wazzu. Saving the last one $3.6T for COVID relief and laws, which everyone and their grandma pointed out the potential for fraud and abuse, but no guard rails were put in place and DOJ is merely chasing back millions in peanuts only because some fraudster was too stupid to keep their mouths shut.

Circumventing the Constitution and exacerbating the wealth inequality, were real acts of degrading the US, and at best just not giving a damn about the American people. Compared to all the other crap he did that were more performative, while below the office if the President, these two things have long term effect of weakening the county that I love. He's the worst President and the modern Republicans are only in for themselves.

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Just a reminder. The "US Chamber of Commerce" is a lobbyist private entity.

Unity is dead, but at least one guy made it out like a bandit.

When the judicial was held up by "honor system" ... you're gonna find a bunch of cheats.

"What made you upgrade to the OLED?"

"Because I couldn't smell it anymore."


We're going to see if the country is run by laws, or this country is run by power. Too many have fantasized about ruling by power. Too long the opposition just blindly believed the system would check itself in an honor system. This case, from the home state of a confederate general, will reveal which path US chooses.

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Please say you forgot the /s, I wanted the fediverse to be at least above average.

How game b breaking are we talking about? Like slider set to 100 instead of 99, or are we talking about memory loop around, nuclear Gandi level of horny?

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This is similar to the "correlation doesn't equal causation" fallacy.

Dual income and no kids, is due to the prospect of cost of living and raising a family out pacing income. Housing, vehicle, child care, tuition, are all the items pricing middle class out of options.

DINK is not a choice, if anything, it's more the result of not having the luxury to choose.

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It always bothered me when in law class they said court "opinion" matters and can set "precedence". Then we go over case from 100 years ago saying they are still valid today.

I'm like ... is everything just loosely "understood" with final "constitutional" decision being made on the spot every time it's challenged? That's just asking for abuse of the system, try until you get what you want... Prof at that time convinced me there's more to that so don't worry.

Long behold, look at what extremists are doing at the SC today, and absolutely no rails to guard it.

Birth the child, and let him suffer, said the Lord.

It's gonna be Jan 1, 2028, isn't it?

There is no pressure from the right, so why would he? The right are ready to burn everything down, just to own the libs. It's not about policy or national security anymore.

Conservatives voters probably feel liberated and ecstasic as they can throw away the veil and stop pretending to care about governing.

Cop, "Your Honor, the sandwich is a known lethal weapon, given its track record of choking hazard. Just last week, Joey down at the station, was working OT and eating his favorite meatball sub. That could have been the last time I saw Joey... So, when I saw the sandwich, I immediately recognized the danger and risked my life to control the situation."

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“While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for age verification, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk,” DeVille says in the video.

What a personal data <strikethrough> goldmine </strikethrough>. I mean we must protect the kids ... from everything, everywhere, every time, at any cost.

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Responsibility for thee, not for me.

Russians engineers are hardcore, they really go all out on systems validation.

I guess. That is the whole point right? If you like how a instance is run, you join them. And if any beehaw users don't like this direction it's taking, they can always make another account on Lemmy.

Fediverse allows for great potential of redundant, diverse, and flexible meta content consumption, but we the users are bearing some of that growing pain right now as this all grows and things get shuffled on the fly.

ASS... All the cool kids are doing it.

What are my remaining options of grocery store, that is social neutral at least? Wegmans?

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We know. You don't really care. Your voters don't care.

Time to legalize sex work and drugs, and hope the next generation is hardened against this age old blackmail scheme.

What a case of "the beating will continue until morale improves."

Probably worked to death on two jobs, incoherent when interviewed.

I'm old now. People probably forget or don't know, Digg died overnight because they themselves fucked up their redesign. The backend was broken and the frontend looked like a different site. So people just packed up and left. Reddit hasn't infrastructure wise screwed up. And now being the behemoth it is, it will never really die out. Because, just as op experienced, that masses don't really care about any of this. As long as it's working, they continue to use it blissfully.

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basic necessity

Did you misspell guaranteed revenue? They know exactly what they were doing.

Regardless, the FTC also argues that this manufactured categorization doesn't matter because Microsoft's exclusivity decision applied to "all future ZeniMax games." While Microsoft said in 2021 that "some" future Bethesda games would be Xbox exclusives, no Bethesda non-exclusives have been announced since then.

In this case, FTC is right and they should be extra careful what Microsoft says, as evident, they will just do the opposite.

Luna’s censure measure requires Schiff to stand in the well of the House chamber for a verbal rebuke in addition to triggering an ethics investigation. Democrats rallied behind Schiff after the vote as he walked up to receive the reprimand, chanting “Adam” and “shame” as McCarthy presided over the House chamber.

Starting to feel like a lot of petty house wives type retaliation going on in the House now. There is no point. All there is to get back at you, at all cost.

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Sorry for the family.

Fuck Republicans and their bigotry.

  1. Reddit is the default and some of us have gotten used to lurking, since it was always big enough that someone else did the voting and top comments. I look at fediverse as an opportunity for change, and in return asking I become an active community member again. Post the latest you see, comment, explain, etc . At least up vote is the content is good.

  2. As long as you are the mod of your /m/, you can make it clear that direct copy of Reddit is acceptable for your /m/. You're reposting the link in fediverse, with the intention to initiate conservation here because of better moderation. That sounds fine to me. Even the mod can lead by cross posting from Reddit. Yes, It's the content. Yes, Reddit is the biggest content source (for now). Don't shy away from leveraging it.

  3. Consider who we are and who you want to be. The assumption that power users, tech savvy folks moved over to fediverse more openly. I think that is true. Think if you want to start being the "first" of the Internet. That's how digg was, that's how Reddit grew, even 4chan made a name being the place for the hottest trash takes and going viral once in a while. So post here, and then cross post into Reddit. If they want to be the adult company a layer higher, then so be it.

On one hand, I know personally how frustrating it is you know the data is in there somewhere, why can't anyone in the company extract it. On the other hand, can't we just keep calling them SMEs instead. No one doing real work has time to get acquainted with these titles.

"Trump is quoting fascists!"

"Can you back up your assertion with real book citations, yeah, didn't think so. You're all just part of the woke Internet."


A 12-month-year using this system has 354 days, which would drift significantly from the tropical year. To fix this, traditional Chinese years have a 13-month year approximately once every three years. The 13-month version has the same long and short months alternating, but adds a 30-day leap month (閏月; rùnyuè). Years with 12 months are called common years, and 13-month years are known as long years.


"AAA" in price tag only.

(Content may vary. Please purchase premium battle pass to see more details.)

LoL. So much for pretending "constitutional originalist" was legitimate.