Pornhub Tells Users to Take Action Before Politicians Take Their Porn Away to – 78 points –
Pornhub Tells Users to Take Action Before Politicians Take Their Porn Away

Porn viewers in Virginia, Arkansas, and Mississippi are now met with a video imploring them to contact their representatives about age-verification laws.


“While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for age verification, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk,” DeVille says in the video.

What a personal data <strikethrough> goldmine </strikethrough>. I mean we must protect the kids ... from everything, everywhere, every time, at any cost.

fyi you can do strike through like ~~this~~

1 more...

I mean these sites aren't going to implement anything like they want in these laws and few people are going to be up for using such a system. Yeah, they're just going to throw up a block and remove liability. Then people who know will just VPN.

I could see the industry using some system that's already built and free but not really develop one or take on more issues with personal information. Good luck with the government made browser extension that tracks your preferences though.

any politicians wanna maybe legalize porn? Its pretty popular

Getting real tired of these fucking Christian assholes trying to force their twisted morals on everyone else.

It's not even about morality. It's a dumb law that doesn't protect users most at risk—even if enforced—while making it incredibly convoluted and awkward for everyone else.

On second thought, that second part was probably the point.

Before REPUBLICAN politicians.
Is it REALLY so hard to get it more specifically correct?
It's shit like this that gets enough low-information people saying that bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe.

The south is like a test bed for these fascist dipshits to try new and creative ways to control what you do in your private time and place.