Arabs put to vote a UN resolution demanding an immediate Gaza cease-fire, knowing US will veto it

Collision to World – 106 points –
Why the US will veto a UN vote demanding a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war

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US was actually the only country to veto. Does not look good tbf

And now China is condemning it. Like, wtf. I honestly don't know why we are blocking U.N. action on this. It's brazenly pro-ethnic cleansing. It's not like there's wiggle room to debate, there's no room. It's just plainly a mass killing of a minority population that was already living under apartheid conditions.

Are our political leaders just religious enough to quake in fear at the thought of angering their abrahamic diety? Or is this confirmation that there really IS a powerful zionist cabal that can manipulate US foreign policy?

I mean, both are conspiratorial stretches, but wtf else could biden hang this decision on?

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