Israel-Hamas war: Bombardment of Rafah intensifies as Gaza death toll reportedly near 30,000 to World – 325 points –
Israel-Hamas war: Bombardment of Rafah intensifies as Gaza death toll reportedly near 30,000

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Hey, stupid, the other choice is letting Trump win and even if Biden personally grabbed a gun and started murdering Palestinians in the streets he'd do less damage than Trump would.

Please remove your head from your ass or we will, yet again, let that flagrantly fascist psychopath take charge.

Damn thats crazy, maybe the centrist dems should have voted for a candidate in the primary that wouldn't abandon the critical "anti-genocide" voting bloc. I'll gladly take a term of trump if it means less shit dem candidates in the future.

Leftists and progressives have 0 leverage against centrist democrats if our votes are unconditional, if supporting a genocide isn't a line too far then nothing is.

Damn maybe voting democratic even as a centrist is closer to center than how far the right has gone. Damn maybe not voting because you don't like your choices just allows a candidate that has radically more damaging positions take the position of power.

Maybe not voting like a pretentious little bitch actually fucks over yourself and everyone who has similar principles to you because you want to feel morally superior.

Voting for Trump THE FIRST TIME was supposed to be the "we'll get less shitty dems" how the fuck did that work out? Oh it didn't! Stop being so fucking stupid. This logic is so twisted and broken it could serve as the next Republican frontrunner.

You're not going to shame me into voting for the guy arming a genocide lol. If the centrist dems don't like losing votes from the left they should stop choosing unviable candidates in the primary.

But even ignoring any long term goals to drag the democrats left kicking and screaming I'm just not going to vote for a guy that armed a genocide. Not holding my nose for that.

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I, for one, don't think we should give our elected officials a free pass just because the other guy would be worse.

Who said anything about a free pass? You're making shit up now. I said we should vote for him, not get on our knees and suck. Critique him. Talk shit about him just as I have. But if you don't vote for him you're absolutely letting the other guy have a better chance because of your pretentious indignation.

You implicitly said you would still vote for Biden if he "grabbed a gun and started murdering Palestinians in the streets." I'd consider that to be giving Biden a free pass because although I'll vote for Biden, I wouldn't if he started literally murdering people with his own hands, and I don't think you would either.

Ah right I forget that when pseudo intellectuals are losing an argument you take hyberbolism as a literal point to poison the well.

The damage Biden is likely to cause is far less than the damage Trump already has and has proudly stated he would do. Even if Biden got considerably worse, he would more than likely still be better than Trump and would still get my vote.

There's your boring translation of what I said that you can't easily attack for being hyperbolic.

I don't know why you didn't say that the first place. Before, you sounded like a deranged asshole.

Hyperbole is used to better illustrate a point by using extremes. Notice how you say I sounded like a deranged asshole. Bit extreme but I understand that you mean I came off rude because instead of just calling me rude you went much further than what a reasonable person would say to make the point more clear.

You understand what it means to be hyperbolic, understood what I meant when I was being hyperbolic, but still forced me to deconstruct it and make it sound more meek than what I intended.

Now that's a bit rude, isn't it?

The hyperbole isn't what I care about.

Going up to people who are publicly considering withholding their vote over Biden's handling of the situation in Gaza, calling them irrational, and demanding they do something they believe is against their morals is "asshole behavior." It's almost like you're saying "the issue you care enough about that your willing to risk a second Trump term doesn't matter to me." This behavior is often referred to as "vote-scolding."

I will probably still vote for Biden, but I understand why other won't, and I don't think he should be evaluated only in comparison to Trump.

He shouldn't only be evaluated by Trump except in the case of when you have two options - Biden or Trump. Then that is literally the time to evaluate him in comparison to Trump.

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I'm starting to turn around on this. I feel like Trump is corruptable, so some Saudi money can make him change his mind.

Biden is okay with genocide. I don't know how Trump can be much worse than what Biden is already doing.

Pretty sure Trump has openly supported the IDF and said he'd do worse. Protecting the weak isn't in the GOP playbook and hopefully we won't have to see if he can be bribed to change his mind.

Open support is better than what Biden is doing. Gas lighting.

I don't think it's possible for Trump to do worse. What can be worse? Sending more money to Israel? Obstructing any ceasefire or mechanisms of international justice? Not recognizing Palestinians sovereignty? Bidens government is already doing these things. What does worse look like? I think what Biden is doing is as bad as it gets, he needs to be shown that he lost the left and we don't have to vote for him.

Open support is better than what Biden is doing

Alright you've lost your fucking mind, out.

biden is flagrantly fascist, too, so maybe we should choose someone else, like cornel west or jill stein.

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