STOP USING GITHUB to Programmer – 459 points –

Use Codeberg ;)


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(note, the GitLab Enterprise Edition, which is provided to the public on, is (like GitHub) trade-secret, proprietary, vendor-lock-in software)

Isn't EE source-available but proprietary? Plus if you just use the free tier you're not using any enterprise features

Will things like setting up a "stack" in portainer on docker be able to use the github alternatives like codeberg? or will those kinds of things need to be rebuilt?

They should™ work with any git repo hosted by any method right down to running git-http-backend as a CGI script I would have thought.

Anyone got a commmand line tool change all my stuff? Because if I have to do change all the remotes all the time, for dozens of projects I'm going to lose my mind.

Also the migration on gitlab/codeberg looked like an amount of effort that doesn't round down to zero.