Yelp: It’s gotten worse since Google made changes to comply with EU rules

Lee to – 139 points –
Yelp: It’s gotten worse since Google made changes to comply with EU rules

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If Google was actually presenting information based on quality, Yelp would never be included. As mediocre as anyone else might be, Yelp is the worst by a huge margin.

Quora is somehow always in the first page near the top of results on questions, generally directly adjacent to the hallucinated "people also asked" list.

Quora is the absolute worst for gaming Google search.

When I'm desperate for a answer, I click it only to find NO ANSWER, just my question and the "people who asked".

One of my first jobs in tech was being low IT support at a chain of restaurants around 2011, and being sent any 'vendor calls'. Apparently customer service thought Yelp was a vendor, and I got on a phone call with Yelp reps literally suggesting that they can help "improve our reputation" and "without Yelp pro support, it could really tank our visibility".

In other words, it's a racket.