‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On

floofloof@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 481 points –
‘We Didn’t Get All The Way There On Jan 6’: Trump Booster Pledges to End Democracy in CPAC Rant as Bannon Cheers On

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/12367209

“Welcome to the end of democracy!” Posobiec declared. “We’re here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here,” he said, holding his fist in the air. “That’s right, because all glory is not to government, all glory to God.”

Steve Bannon, former White House adviser, is heard in the background exclaiming, “All right! Amen!”

All Republicans are perfectly happy with the idea of having a (Christo-)fascist dictatorship in power in the U.S. . All that they care about is that the dictatorship rewards them with money and power. I know Republicans like this, people you might think were just ordinary folks, and they're masters of telling themselves stories to justify their violence and thievery and masters at not seeing anything that might cause cognitive dissonance, to the extent that they're capable of that at all.


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"Dur hur, religion make people dumb" received exactly the kind of reply it deserved.

Well, it's a demonstrable fact that there is a high correlation of heavily religious districts in the US and districts with low education. Whether one causes the other, or they both have a common cause, is up for debate.

Religion absolutely makes people dumb. There is no sky daddy, deal with it.

That's another stupid ass take.

It seems like you might be the one with the stupid ass take, buddy.

Nope, the above claim is the stupid ass take. That's why I called it out.

Indeed, all your comments here above are stupid takes, as shown by the downvotes. Thanks for agreeing with us.

Now tell me, do you think your god is all-loving before or after he committed genocide multiple times (including on animals and babies)?

Someone who thinks public approval is the measure of a solid point is exactly the kind of person I'd expect to be spitting the bigotry and ignorance above.

We call kids stupid for believing in Santa, so what is the difference between that and believing in a sky daddy?

It does though

The same stupid ass take as above, and just as stupid.

You can keep repeating this, doesn't make it any more true.

Did your god not grant you with the intelligence needed for better responses?

You sound like you have a lot of hate in your heart. I'll be praying for you 🙏

You are in no position to judge the state of my heart, but should you feel moved to pray on my behalf, it is appreciated.

If you are a Christian, you might want to try to follow the teachings of Jesus instead of picking fights on the internet.

I'm not picking a fight, I'm calling out an obvious bullshit take that is being parroted by people as if it had any merit.

That's not very Christian of you. Jesus would be disappointed.

I'm not concerned with your judgement regarding what is or isn't Christian.

You should be concerned with Jesus's judgement, because he'd be disappointed in the way you're acting.

But, if you read the Bible and came to the conclusion that Jesus wanted you insulting strangers in defense of him, you're reinforcing the, "religious people are stupid," theory.

Again, your opinion of what Jesus's judgement of me would be is less that worthless to me.

Well, keep on giving Christianity a worse name than it already has. You're doing a great job of it.

And you do care, even if it's just a little bit. Because you know Jesus would be disappointed in your behavior.

Oversight of my behavior is a matter between me, my priest, and my God. You're neither of those, and your opinion of it is worthless to me.

My opinion must be worth something if you keep responding. It's almost like you know I'm right and are trying to convince yourself otherwise.

No it isn't, I continue responding simply because I have nothing better to do and it seems to get on your nerves when I do so.