Open Letter to Tim Cook: Sabotaging Web Apps Is Indefensible to – 711 points –
Open Letter to Tim Cook: Sabotaging Web Apps Is Indefensible

We need to exert more pressure on apple and eu to not remove PWAs. Every signature counts, please sign and share EU has already started a preliminary investigation on this


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You don't need an account. De-bloating scripts take care of most other annoyances. You can fairly easily beat windows into submission

You don't need an account.

Technically true but worthless to your average consumer. You need to interrupt the installation process, enter a command in a terminal after knowing how to access the terminal and then you can use a local account.

This is worthless to your average person.

The same argument applies when Linux neckbeards waddle out of a basement to declare something is simple; just open terminal and do Y.

The average consumer doesn't know what NTFS or FAT32 is. I don't think they'll understand the privacy implications of Windows reporting.

Not tried in a while but it used to just be a case of leaving it disconnected from the net during setup.

Failing that you can still sign up with a throwaway account and convert it to local in the options after installation iirc. It's not ideal but it's still something at least.

There are additional steps now which I mentioned.

your average consumer

People aren't "consumers" A consumer is a gaping maw that eats everything until there's nothing left.

People are people. They're home users, they're customers, they're clients, they're citizens, they're legal residents. But they are not now or will they ever be "consumers"