Can someone explain leftist comedy to me? to Ask – -75 points –

Not looking to discuss politics. I'm just trying to find the humour in left-wing mainstream comedy.

I've tried watching at least 30 movies and as far as I can tell it's the same two tropes. Someone who is usually smart does something obviously stupid or they are uninformd about something and everyone is shocked that they just don't get it with a "seriously bro" type of comment. Or the other trope when someone who is super serious becomes upset because someone shocked them with their progressive views with a "yeah that's how it's done" type of comment.

What's funny about that?


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I’m… honestly unsure what you’re talking about. Provide some examples of the content you’re alluding to.

They just found one of the many think pieces about how conservative comedy usually sucks and is trying to get their little jab in at the left. They probably don't even know what their talking about.

Based the wording of the post and this comment from OP’s profile which specifically mentions Gab, I feel pretty confident making an educated guess that OP may fall somewhere on the MAGA spectrum.

Conservative comedy is funny because we don’t have things we’re not allowed to say

Lmao, there isn't a more thin skinned group than conservatives.

Remember the Starbucks cup meltdown? What about the Potato head toy controversy?

Yall literally can't even jerk off in peace without having your sons monitor your computer with anti-porn software lmao

What are your favorite comedians that would be happy to label themselves as conservatives?

I could imagine they like Bill Maher and Dennis Miller. The only two comedians I know that are both popular (or were) and proudly conservative.

Bill Maher might actually be a conservative, but I'm not sure if he would happily accept the label or target a specifically conservative audience. Maybe he's getting there, though. His Wikipedia article was a trip.

Maher often eschews political labels, referring to himself as "practical"... he has also described himself as a libertarian, and has also referred to himself "as a progressive, as a sane person"... Maher counted himself, Rushdie, and others such as Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris as "9/11 liberals", noting that they differentiate themselves from many mainstream liberals in saying that not all religions are alike and that they are not bigoted in criticizing a particular religion.

I wasn't familiar with Dennis Miller...

The last special I watched Maher do, he was very explicit about being conservative and the material very much conveyed that thinking. It's why I don't bother with him anymore.

I would say that's unfortunate, but at least he's being honest now. IDK, even when he had a good point it was always presented in the most insufferable way imaginable.