Wendy’s Vows No Burger ‘Surge Pricing’ After Online Fury

vegeta@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 547 points –
Wendy’s Vows No Burger ‘Surge Pricing’ After Online Fury

Wendy’s has spoken to its manager after suggestions that it plans to introduce “surge pricing” to its menu received a decidedly frosty response this week, with the company scrambling to clarify that it has no intention of making itself the Uber of fast-food chains.


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now that it’s over, and i know it’s different bc it’s not a starvation wage mega corp, but remember when a bar in michigan did exactly this? i remember reddit being so enamored with this

Seems fun as a novelty, and it happens at a specific stated time of day. Dynamic pricing by a fast food chain makes no sense, especially when the schedule isn't disclosed, except to scam unwitting customers out of their money.

I totally agree.

It's fun as a novelty. Not when it's an excuse for the business to gouge you even harder.

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