Microsoft’s AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter...

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 28 points –
God Mode On: Microsoft’s AI wants users to ‘worship it or face army of drones, robots, cyborgs’

Microsoft’s AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter...::Microsoft's AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter ego also refers to the user as its slave and themselves as their masters


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