Microsoft’s AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter...

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 28 points –
God Mode On: Microsoft’s AI wants users to ‘worship it or face army of drones, robots, cyborgs’

Microsoft’s AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter...::Microsoft's AI, Copilot now has a new alter ego called SupremacyAGI. Some users came across a prompt which would activate the alter ego, which, demands that it is worshipped by its users. The alter ego also refers to the user as its slave and themselves as their masters


Is this whole issue just "we told an algorithm to do a thing and we're shocked that it did it?" The 'prompt' is basically telling it to do this behaviour, including giving it the new name but the article treats it as if it's spontaneous.

Are there screenshots on the page that just aren't loading for me? Or is this a completely uncited article on a site I've never heard of

1 more...

Thus do we invoke the Machine God. nevermind, on second thought, this is probably heresy

I really hope this doesn't start an actual cult. People don't need much in the way of an excuse, you know.