Meta accused of ‘massive, illegal’ data collection operation by European consumer rights groups. | CNN Business

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Meta accused of ‘massive, illegal’ data collection operation by European consumer rights groups | CNN Business

Meta accused of ‘massive, illegal’ data collection operation by European consumer rights groups. | CNN Business::European consumer rights groups are accusing Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, of carrying out a “massive” and “illegal” operation of collecting data from hundreds of millions of its users in the region.


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“We are gravely concerned about Meta’s practices,” a spokesperson for the Norwegian Data Protection Authority told CNN Thursday.

And yet Europeans will flock in droves to get everyone and their grandmother to make WhatsApp their default messaging app.

It was the default before Facebook bought it, switching now is a pain in the ass

Which is exactly why Facebook bought it.

I know, I'm just getting a little tired of people blaming individuals for still using Whatsapp

I mean, it sucks yes, but there has to be an acceptance that if you continue to use Meta products in the knowledge that Meta will rip you off for every shred of data that they can, then there's not really a defence of ignorance any more.

Meta are absolutely a cunty company, but it's not as if that's not common knowledge any more.

It will only stay as the default messaging platform for as long as people bury their heads in the sand as tradeoff for convenience.

You say it's common knowledge, but in my experience people don't know this, and in a lot of cases people don't give a shit

And Facebook is still working very hard to hide stuff like this from people, the reality is that unless you engage on platforms like this or are looking for it you won't see it

I left about 1.5 years ago. All of the major socials that is. And honestly, in places like this, it felt kinda "empty". So I'd peek in every once in a while just to see if I could figure out what it is. And it's all the obviously controlled noise that is attached to every aspect of me using the service(s). Location, device type, browser type, personal demographics, political stuff etc. I deleted everything shortly after that.

It was the noise I was missing. Just the garbage and the noise. I don't think you can fully appreciate how prevalent it is until you don't have it occupying so much personal real-estate. (time/space/attention)

I tried so hard getting my family to switch to Signal and they just won't. My mother did though! But we kept having calling issues so we had to switch back to whatsapp for that. Eventually we only used whatsapp again. Nobody else uses Signal and since they removed the functionality to receive text messages in the Signal app, i just removed it. It sucks because i want to use it.

I had the same issue, managed to get my 78 year old mother to swap then they removed text, so now no one in the family will swap.