Other than blue bubbles, why do you use iPhone?

RealNooshie@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 175 points –

Yes, I'm the one in the group DM that turns the bubbles green, I'm sorry.

But other than that, I don't hear many other reasons why people actually prefer iPhones over Androids. What other reasons are there?


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I’d rather be tracked by apple than google.

because Apple is going to use your data to a less nefarious end? I don't get it.

That’s my belief. They don’t derive revenue from their users data, they get it through hardware sales and service subscriptions. Google has proven that they will monetize their users data in not so pleasant ways. I like Google products a lot but don’t use them because of their business practices overall

Contrary to Apply making products harder to repair, efficiently locking in to their ecosystem with no way out? Apple ducks consumers every day. I doubt they'd gather all your data for the purpose of utilizing storage space.

I'd rather trust the devil I know than the devil that's better at hiding it's evil. Apple isn't some amazing perfect company that cares about you. Almost everything they do is anti-user, they just do it in a way that apple-only users think is a bonus because they've been forced into apple only products already. Not to mention their idiotic pricing.

If you think apple is somehow "trustworthy" or not just as "evil" as Google in any way you've let their marketing team fool you.

assuming this is true, for me it's not what they do with the data it's just them collecting and keeping data they don't need.

It’s been proven in court that Apple refuses to decrypt locked iPhones or messages

You can degoogle your android phone. There are ROMs/OSs which are free from tracking.

But then you lose functionality like Android Auto, where on an iPhone you get CarPlay. Android Auto on my Pixel 7 Pro is fine, honestly like as much as CarPlay, but if you install something like Graphene OS, it no longer works.

Yeah but if that's the price of not being tracked means, I happily say goodbye to android auto. I'm using lineageOS for years and I didn't notice much missing except Google pay and android auto.

When on iPhone, Apple still tracks you when your privacy settings should've disable it.

Why do you need to use a Google app to use NFC payment? Why isn't there an F-Droid app for that?

No. I read somewhere it needs bank agreements or something. Unfortunately microG doesn't support it too... I think that's my biggest con, but as long as banking and money transfer apps works, I don't mind.

Bank apps are a very big one but I really don't care I'm not giving in

Apple’s tracking has also proven to be far less severe than Google’s through Google Play Services on Android. And much easier to opt out of