0 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They know it can't be done and they don't care. The rhetoric coming out of their government is pure genocide talk. One of the military guys got furious that anyone cared about Palestinian civilians.

I hope the US doesn't support this or stay silent. We need to have the balls to stand up to allies when they're in the wrong. The world said "not again" to the holocaust and now regularly looks the other way, and it's time countries stop letting this shit happen.

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A tiny group within a population of over 2 million.

Honestly what the fuck are comments like this supposed to mean? You think they deserve to be slaughtered, down to the last child, because of what a small extremist group form the same region did? You know half the people in Gaza are under 18?

Do you think they all voted for this? Hamas took control after netanyahu created and funded them to destabilize the Gaza strip, this is a known fact that they've basically admitted. He made sure they were the only governing body that could e, ist so they could excuse anything they wanted to do to the gazans they keep in an open-air prison.

I hope the FBI or whatever the equivalent in your country is keeps pro-genocide people like you on a watch list.

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Extremists who have fallen for the dehumanization of Muslims. It's just another example of why all the dehumanization and pro-genocide rhetoric coming out of Israel's government and social media is so dangerous.

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Honestly can't blame them if they did. Obviously killing Israeli civilians is indefensible but they are ensuring that thousands more will grow up hating all Israelis. The same logic Israelis and Israel supporters are using to kill innocent Palestinians is what Hamas runs off of. Each group blaming the entire "other" group for everything. Exactly like netanyahu wanted all along I imagine.

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As bad as this may seem, and not to try to downplay it, this seems like a good time to remind people that this kind of vulnerability isn't limited to cars charging at public spaces. Any time you connect devices to anything in a space you don't control, you're vulnerable. That goes for public wifis (many of which are just businesses farming your data + hacker risks), and public charging stations that could have compromised chargers with malware.

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Crazy thing is so many people still don't get it, even while they complain. Even people who fled reddit to lemmy complain about people on Lemmy talking about defederating threads, acting like people are overreacting.

You only think you're seeing people defending hamas because you're treating it as a simple black and white issue with only two sides. Basically no one is defending hamas on here that I have seen.

People think civilians shouldn't be murdered indiscriminately and that genocide is never justified. If that means they support hamas you should consider what that belief means to you.

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Maybe not false flag but I absolutely believe they let it happen on purpose. Netanyahu and Co have been setting this up for years after creating hamas and making sure they were the only governing body that could exist there.

This is the final step to their plan to "solve" the Gaza strip problem. A sort of.. final solution I guess?

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I don't think he has near as many fanboys as the musk circlejerkers on reddit always made it out to seem. I barely ever see anyone genuinely fanboy him anymore, at most many are neutral to him while still thinking he's an idiot.

I think reddit (and social media in general) just has a habit of giving megaphones to "the other side", no matter how small it actually is, so they can have someone to appear to argue against so it doesn't look like they're yelling at a wall.

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Warren for years now has been doing stuff like this. Saying one thing while supporting something that doesn't do what she claims to care about. She's rubbed me the wrong way ever since the multiple sketchy things she said/did when she was running against Bernie.

Won't even bother going into how much she loves supporting the banks. She's no different than corpo neolibs, she just wears a different costume.

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Well of course. Just look at /r/conservative, they're all fired up cheering on genocide and using genocidal and dehumanizing language. The thought of killing massive amounts of people they don't like is what seems to get them up in the morning.

I do wonder how much the average people commenting would care if musk had nothing to do with this.

It's an issue, but it's an issue scientists knew was coming for decades now. Starlink isn't the only company putting satellites into low earth orbit. They aren't the first and the amount of them will just keep coming.

What we need is regulations and requirements for how many, what purpose, how they'll be dealt with if something goes wrong and when they're no longer needed, etc. Getting people to share satellites that are already there (when possible) and not putting up satellites that are redundant or don't provide that much benefit versus non-satellite options or further orbit options will be important.

But all these mindless circlejerkers only talking about musk and wanting starlink "taken down" are really polluting the topic with meaningless bullshit. It's unfortunate people are bringing these mindless circlejerks over from reddit.

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Shouldn't thank the abusers when an authority forces them to stop abusing.

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How does Pinterest get around this then? They pollute image searches like crazy, and require you to login to see anything. At least they did, I blocked them from searches so maybe it's different now.

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The Gaza strip has over 2 million people, half of which are under 18. That is a "fact you will need to understand" before you go around defending the atrocities Israel is and will commit.

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This isn't a sub, and that's how the internet works. We can talk about dinosaurs in this comment section, or anything else.

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So how far did you get in this article? Did you see the title and go into rage posting or did you actually read it?

Do they seriously have 2k employees? I'd kill to know what all of their jobs are and what each of them does day to day. From what I've heard from mods and from what we've seen I can't imagine they were all doing much.

When have Republicans ever been good for efficiently using taxes? They generally take stuff away from us, put more of it where we don't need it, and refuse to tax their buyers.

I wish those people understood the full history of Apple making every effort of creating this problem on purpose to create this effect. They've done everything in their power to stop any standard being introduced between the OSes and to introduce features that create this "iPhone vs others" clique bullshit.

Yet these kids and even adults act like it's an android problem. I hate how corporations always win like this, they know exactly how to manipulate people and it works.

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/slap speaker_hat

*Veltoss slaps speaker_hat around with a large trout.

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This is just blatant sexism.

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Blows my mind that that was almost ten years ago.

I had a nightmare like this once, it was not fun. This fact was not fun. :(

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Pretty sure the Q was supposed to originally but the meaning/labeling changed. Then the plus. But people wanted their particular letter included directly and it got silly.

Why does it have to be a conspiracy? There could have been tons of fingerprints, and they have no way of knowing which ones are related to the cocaine. Visitor logs? For everyone that entered that area?

Lot of people trying real hard to make stuff like this into something it's not. Until it's about one of "their guys", then no amount of hard evidence would matter of course.

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Kinda feels like you're angrily agreeing with me while using different words while acting like you're arguing against me.

This isn't reddit, not every comment section has to be A vs B arguments.

That can only be done after the fact, and people can just create new ones constantly can they not? There needs to be a different pro-active defense to watch for the signs of manipulation and counter them as they happen.

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Seems like it. Crazy how much leeway Israel gets, any other country doing this wouldn't have as much support.

I hope the US puts its foot down hard at some point.

Yeah as bad as it may sound, I kind of like that it's not as easy to get into as reddit's official app or tiktok or whatever. A barrier to entry can help quality. It doesn't stop all the toxic assholes but it helps slow down the onslaught of braindead echo chambers and circlejerks that reddit has turned.

There was a lot of undeniable evidence of him being a bad person regardless of the court not being able to prove abuse beyond a reasonable doubt.

WTF? Why would you smell moldy? Would you not wash the cloth? Do you think people who use wash cloths aren't washing them?

This thread is a disturbing trip.

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Same. I didn't care for relay compared to RiF, not my preference, but it was good enough after RiF died. But now that relay is out too? I'm not sure I can stomach using the reddit app. I'm definitely not paying for anything either. I already pay with my mental health by reading reddit comments, I'm not paying money to do it too.

Is this definition of "leftists" widely accepted? I always thought that word was just another word for liberal or anyone who isn't right wing these days.

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I'd rather trust the devil I know than the devil that's better at hiding it's evil. Apple isn't some amazing perfect company that cares about you. Almost everything they do is anti-user, they just do it in a way that apple-only users think is a bonus because they've been forced into apple only products already. Not to mention their idiotic pricing.

If you think apple is somehow "trustworthy" or not just as "evil" as Google in any way you've let their marketing team fool you.

Took me a second to get the name of the keychain, jesus.

You should definitely have a phone. Anyone who can afford one of those cheap phones where you just pay for minutes should have one. Get one that can take pictures/videos (I think most of them do nowadays?).

If you see police doing something illegal, the more cameras around the better. The ability to immediately upload that evidence to someone else or a safe cloud service is also important so they can't delete it and you can't lose it by the taking the device.

Crossposting is popular and there are a lot of overlapping communities that post the same sort of content so of course you will right now. The current lemmy users are overwhelmingly nerdy, so piracy and gaming communities are going to show up a lot and there are several of them over the different instances.

So you'll see this on several gaming communities and again on several piracy communities.

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Crazy how simple and obvious that seems after you see it, but I never would have suspected it if someone did it right in front of me.

I love it so far. I've been a huge supporter for decentralization for a while now through blockchain tech so it's great to see so many people finally seeing what makes decentralization as a concept so great.

I just hope the apps keep developing at the speed they are because they are the part that is lacking the most right now. The experience is significantly better on PC right now. Even simple things like finding new communities is difficult on the apps I've tried so far.