The U.N. says the Israeli military told it that all of northern Gaza has 24 hours to move south. to World – 552 points –
The U.N. says the Israeli military told it that all of northern Gaza has 24 hours to move south.

Israel’s military has informed the United Nations that the entire population of northern Gaza should relocate to the southern half of the territory within 24 hours, the U.N. spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, said late on Thursday night, adding that such a movement — involving over one million people — would lead to “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

“The same order applied to all U.N. staff and those sheltered in U.N. facilities — including schools, health centers and clinics,” Mr. Dujarric said.

The U.N. was told that the marker dividing the north from south was Wadi Gaza, the statement said.

The U.N. Security Council is scheduled to hold an emergency meeting on Friday afternoon in a closed consultation format


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They know it can't be done and they don't care. The rhetoric coming out of their government is pure genocide talk. One of the military guys got furious that anyone cared about Palestinian civilians.

I hope the US doesn't support this or stay silent. We need to have the balls to stand up to allies when they're in the wrong. The world said "not again" to the holocaust and now regularly looks the other way, and it's time countries stop letting this shit happen.

You know the US won’t. The gov’t is too far up it’s own ass and only sees numbers. Israel is profitable to us, and money is the only thing anyone in power gives a shit about. They don’t care that we’re dealing with terrorists, as long as the terrorists make them money.

Never again! Except for Tibetans, Uyghurs, First Nations in boarding schools/their forced sterilization, the Khmer Rouge, Pakistan/India/Bangladesh, North Korea, Rwanda, all the genocides by the Soviets, Bosnia...

Hundreds of millions of lives ended prematurely...

"Never again" is a phrase I learned in religious school as an American Jew, in the context of the contemporaneous genocides of WWI and WWII, and the genocides that were occurring in the 90s. I understand you're pointing out the hypocrisy of the Israeli government, but don't forget there are a lot of us out here who recognize genocide for what it is.

Never again is what was said after WW1, I'm not pointing out the Jewish hypocrisy, in pointing out the global hypocrisy.

there are a lot of us out here who recognize genocide for what it is.

Yes, but we don't have seats at any of the tables where that matters.

I agree with the overall sentiment, but some of these mentions are not accurate and imo devalues the importance of such important accusations (e.g. since when was NK genociding anyone?)

They run camps that are comparable to the Jewish camps during WW2, the only difference being that they're doing it to themselves...

Well, it can't because congress is non functional.