Israel’s evacuation order for Gaza ‘death sentence’ for patients, WHO says to World – 375 points –
Israel’s evacuation order for Gaza ‘death sentence’ for patients, WHO says

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The Gaza strip has over 2 million people, half of which are under 18. That is a "fact you will need to understand" before you go around defending the atrocities Israel is and will commit.

Israel is defending itself from future attacks like Saturday. It doesn’t matter what your feelings are about this the fact is Palestine is a terrorist military base, and Israel is about to liberate it.

Let me try to put this in a different perspective. First: Gaza has an average age of about 19 years old, and a bit more than half of the population is under 18. Second: there was a Reuters report and video yesterday about how the cemeteries are full so people are burying their loved ones in donated vacant lots with cinder blocks and bits of rubble as gravestones.

To emphasize and clarify the point: half the population is children and they've run out of space for more graves.

Hundreds of terrorists attacked innocent people, including babies on Saturday. You’re a coward for defending terrorists.

I never said anything about defending Hamas. If there was a way to extract them and offer them up to the Hague without endangering innocent civilians, I'd be all for it. But we should put Netanyahu and his cabinet on trial as well. There can be more than one monster at a time

So what? Turn the other cheek and love your neighbor, coward.

Palestine is defending itself from future attacks like the last several decades. It doesn't matter what your feelings are about this the fact is Israel is a terrorist military base, and Palestine is about to liberate it.

You are wrong and you are just proving my point

You offer no truths except hollow words that echoed around your empty brain.

You know nothing about the truth of the situation, only what your propaganda has lied to you about, and you're top stupid, ignorant, or paid to spread disinformation to consider another point of view.

You’re projecting.

Any other stupidities that don't make any sense in context? Do you only know buzz words spouted at you through propaganda instead of actually understanding reasons for things and being willing to be wrong to learn new things? I don't care about you, but I care about the hateful message you spread landing on ears that don't know any better.

The Jewish people are a wonderful people with a rich and valued culture and history. This does not apply to the leadership of Israel or their treatment of their neighbours, regardless of whatever "whataboutisms" you want to preach.

God will not look kindly upon those that support this from either side. He is weeping because his children want each other to die.

You are hopeless. God is fake. Deal with it.

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"We need to reduce the number of Slavs in Eastern Europe to defend ourselves from future attacks from the barbaric hoards."

That’s exactly the rhetoric Hitler used.

Honestly just so happy my federal government agrees with me.

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