Is apple now reading my keyboard inputs? to – 47 points –

I‘m a little shocked rn. I am using fluffychat on ios since my legacy iphone is still working and I dont want to throw it out until its done.

But this happened the first time: I wrote „then I might need to take a taxi“ to someone and an installed taxi app immediately popped up via notifications saying „get off 25% today“ or something.

This freaks me out big time since it could mean every word I write on this phone gets checked by something/someone.

Anyone else? (It was literally the second I wrote the sentence)


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Huh? Is this some random hate or is there proof? What mega corporation would be better?

Try Pixel with GrapheneOS.

Just don’t ever communicate with the lead dev, and pray he doesn’t delete the update keys again.

He quit like few months ago.

One would think if he quit like they said, his contributions would have also stopped.