Roku’s Ultimatum: Surrender Jury Trial Rights or Lose Access to Your TVs to – 1491 points –

Did your Roku TV decide to strong arm you into giving up your rights or lose your FULLY FUNCTIONING WORKING TV? Because mine did.

It doesn't matter if you only use it as a dumb panel for an Apple TV, Fire stick, or just to play your gaming console. You either agree or get bent.


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Here in Brazil, EULAs (they are called adhesion contracts here) can only deal with the way service is provided and cannot limit consumer rights in any way. Even if the contract has these types of clauses, they are considered void by default.

These types of things never fly here.

The same is mostly true in the US. The companies use them to scare people into settlements. But it does depend on the state.

Binding arbitration is not only a thing, but has been upheld by the courts as enforceable.

It depends on your state. The verbiage that works on one state doesn’t necessarily work in another.