funnily enough, we already had an abbreviation for "IOW" (In Other Words), "I.E." (Id Est - That Is)
Worth noting that, by convention, "i.e." is usually in lower case, and only capitalized when the words themselves would be, i.e. at the start of a sentence.
Edit: typo
I THOUGHT it looked weird capitalized, but the other guy capitalized IOW so I figured "When In Rome"
You mean w.i.r.
i think ie looks weird no matter how you present it
funnily enough, we already had an abbreviation for "IOW" (In Other Words), "I.E." (Id Est - That Is)
Worth noting that, by convention, "i.e." is usually in lower case, and only capitalized when the words themselves would be, i.e. at the start of a sentence.
Edit: typo
I THOUGHT it looked weird capitalized, but the other guy capitalized IOW so I figured "When In Rome"
You mean w.i.r.
i think ie looks weird no matter how you present it