Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem' to politics – 811 points –
Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem'

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Voting noncommitted in the Primary is the least derpy or ignorant thing you could possibly do in this situation. They weren't voting Biden vs Trump, that's not how primaries work, they were voting Biden vs literally any other Democrat and chose the latter.

Nope, it was a complete waste of time that turned easily affected and even derpier uncommitted to never vote. Shooting themselves in the foot is nothing to be proud of.

LMAO, get real.

LMAO, real get.

Well I tell you what, if voting noncommitted in the DNC primary makes everybody automatically skip the general, then voting for Biden in the primary makes whales sterile. If the glove doesn't fit, then you must acquit.