Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem' to politics – 811 points –
Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem'

Yeah but deciding not to vote for Biden just feels like a good trendy way to express my sympathies with Palestineans... /s

I hope this gets posted in all the leftist boards. People need to understand Biden is a continuation of the United States' wishy-washy policies on Palestinians whereas Trump is pedal to the floor full acceleration towards genocide. Biden has shown he can at least be pressured into taking minor steps in the right direction. Being able to claim moral purity at the expense of a genocided Palestine will ring pretty hollow.

Looking forward to what the Republicans cosplaying as leftists use instead of "genocide Joe" now that Donald is calling for a final solution.

It will most likely continue to get used completely unironically along with cheering on the bombs.

Pick one:

  • Geriatric Joe, the president too senile to make up his mind on which side to support.

  • Gray-area Joe, the weak president that refuses to take a stance on foreign affairs.

  • Bystander Biden, the president that did nothing to end the Israel-Palestine war.

And so forth. They'll always find some other stupid thing to blame him for.

It's an election year, they're just trying to get their favorite orange fash in office. Horseshoe theory is a bitch.

Along with what everyone else is saying, I think they could probably still try to make an attempt at taking like, a false moral position, along the lines of an accelerationism-style "oh, well, trump seeking to escalate the war would end it more quickly, thus, saving more lives in the long run" kind of thing. Obviously based on kind of false pretenses, but then, I think a lot of their political positions kind of assume war and resource extraction as an inevitability, and power as an ultimate moral good, on a deeper level, and the fascism and propaganda mind games they play are just kind of a stupid extension of that.

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Plus the fact that Biden is definitively anti Ukrainian genocide, and Trump would not only pull US support of Ukraine, he would actively try to discourage NATO

I mean if we start talking about all the horrible things that will happen under a Trump presidency, we'll never stop.

Until the men with guns put black bags over our heads and shove us into vans in the middle of the night.

The "ppl" pushing the narrative ur complaining about arent on Ukraines side, nor or they on the side of NATO. Theyre busy convincing everyone they can that literally all western news is propaganda and the only true news will come from state sources in russia, china, etc.

The goal when engaging that side should, for the sane, anyway, always be not to convert the person ur speaking to, bc even if they arent bots/shills, their bad faith arguments turn aggressive incredibly quickly. Instead, the goal should be to demonstrate to the onlookers the absurdness of the tankie's position, and who it benefits/who is responsible for fabricating the position in the first place.

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I mean, Biden absolutely is wishy washy.

But he also reversed Trump's policy of saying West Bank settlement is legal, and sanctioned violent Israeli settlers.

Obviously Gaza's really bad, but what's happened and happening in the West Bank is also arguably ethnic cleansing. Chasing Palestinians off their land. Trump's a fan.

But he also reversed Trump's policy of saying West Bank settlement is legal, and sanctioned violent Israeli settlers.

Israel announced this month that they are authorizing the creation of increased settlements in the West Bank.

If Biden used the power of the United States to stop this and to undo the existing illegal settlements then he would deserve credit. He will never choose to do this though. This is because Biden, and all mainstream Democrats and Republicans, are Zionists who believe Israel should not be forcibly prevented from expanding its current borders.

Trump is worse. But mainstream politicians are also horrific. It is equivalent to the choice between the gradualist death by a thousand cuts used by John Roberts vs the immediate exercise of power used by Samuel Alito. Either way, liberty and morality will be destroyed.

We need to demand better as American citizens. No one else can correct the United States but us

Biden is a continuation of the United States' wishy-washy policies on Palestinians whereas Trump is pedal to the floor full acceleration towards genocide.

If these are the only options that our system offers us, then why shouldn't we demand our system be replaced?

Democrats are inadequate, Republicans are worse. If this is the only choice available within the United States, then why do we citizens allow the United States to continue?

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If its a primary then fuck Biden, but if it's the General Election then the blue name on the ballot is who gets the check.

I am convinced a good chunk of the "genocide Joe" crew are agents provocateurs.

You're may be right. I assume most of them are 'useful idiots'.

They realised western media were often biased, so they switched to 'critical' media, spent more and more time in internet bubbles, and ended up uncritically parroting Russian, Chinese or Iranian propaganda instead.

Same thing happened after 9/11 and Iraq. A lot of people were angry about how biased CNN was, so they switched to channels like Russia Today because it was critical of the US and did genuinely have a lot of good journalism. Of course, that doesn't mean Russia Today isn't propaganda. A lot of these people are forever lost, I don't think you can deprogram them.

Also if people use a lot of slogans like "cultural marxism", "Fuck Brandon" or "genocide Joe", without being able to articulate a nuanced position, it's likely they've succumb to newspeak. Newspeak uses an impoverished and simplified vocabulary, to prevent people from critical thinking.

I don't think that "Fuck Brandon" is indicative of much. Especially since Biden himself has heavily leaned into the "Dark Brandon" persona since 2022.

You can't claim that people who use the term "Brandon" are brainwashed when Biden's own campaign uses the term - and even sells merchandise with the name/image depicted on it

Unless you're claiming that Dems/libs are also brainwashed, along with MAGA-types and the uncritical portions of the "dirtbag left". In which case you're correct, but likely unintentionally as that cuts against your broader point

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Biden: We’ve been reluctantly supporting a very close ally, but it’s gone too far, and now we’re publicly condemning while admittedly still funding them. It’s a complicated situation, and I’m a cautious centrist.

Trump: Why are there still buildings standing in Gaza? That won’t happen on my watch. May as well wipe out the West Bank while we’re at it.

For the life of me, I can’t tell the difference. I have no idea who to vote for to help the Palestinians.

There is no one to vote for to help the Palestinians.

The only hope for Gaza is for Biden to change course and use his significant leverage to convince Bibi to end the blockade.

If the status quo of famine is allowed to continue, there will be no Gazans left to bomb when Trump is sworn in on Jan 2025.

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When your highly nuanced and extremely educated political stance is obliterated by an extremely obvious fact that you forgot to consider because you got lost in the sauce of [current hot conversation topic] for [I'm a Leftist!(TM)] identifying individuals.

I mean I was personally waiting for Trump to say the obvious and finish the punchline for the last couple weeks honestly.

I mean, thats good, but unfortunately a huge (over-representative?) amount of online leftist discourse is so subsumed by extremely emotionally driven short sighted glomming onto bullying a particular person that they often say things that are basically obviously ludicrous if you either take a few deep breathes and think about what you're saying, or if you're not really involved in the often extremely petty nature of discourse around/perpetuated by many popular online leftists.

But hey, Not All Leftists, I guess?

Its frankly deeply embarrassing to accurately describe myself as a leftist and then have less politically engaged people often think I'm like one of these over the top internet personalities, and also infuriating when I describe myself as a leftist to other leftists online, who then usually woke scold and purity shame me for having non ludicrous positions.

Hell I'm still banned from like half the hexbear and communities for pointing out that maybe Taiwan has expressed a desire for governmental sovereignty, you know kind of like Ukraine, even though its obviously not a perfect society, it doesnt deserve to be invaded or subverted by a neighboring state?

Nah. Verbotten opinions.

I think the latest hexbear community to ban me did so because I posted a response to an 'enigmatic, therefore funny and awesome' meme on weibo.

The meme, a kind of wojack meme, boils down to 'Dengist reforms allowed western influence into China, which has resulted in nowadays Chinese incels pretend to be black men online to pick up chicks because many Chinese basically racistly view black men as all having giant cocks.'

But you can't even hint that parts of Chinese society might be gasp racist, or even have segments that view women as only interested in big dicked men because this breaks the brains of many online Western leftists that Chinese society is not actually perfect.

Its even more baffling to me that many online Leftists barely ever mention, or tie themselves up in absurd logical/rhetorical pretzels about how just in general many East Asian societies and ethnicities have large chunks that are extremely racist towards other East Asian and other ethnicities, basically because a good number of East Asian societies are nominally communist or socialist, so that must mean they've solved racism.

I think all of what you said there can be summed up with.

Comrade, leftists sure can be infuriating to deal with and talk to, huh?

Pretty sure the most vocal ones arent the most productive ones, and as with most ideologies aren't really representative of the majority. But still can be a headache for everyone involved.

I got banned for pointing out obvious right wing propaganda from a known right wing shill and was told it "emotionally confirmed" how they felt about Biden, so it didn't matter if it wasn't entirely factual.
I mean how do you fight back against that?

People are such emotional little idiots about the things they feel. It's nicer to feel right than be it, because reality is very very often very disappointing. But compromise makes you feel wronger.
We are in very emotional times for sure.

It's more comfortable intellectually to think that if everyone was just in favor of X, all the world's problems would disappear. It's like an ignorance is bliss effect.

Blahaj is the craziest to me. There's a huge hexbear influence there. It's like, yo, if you physically tried to go to Russia you would probably be beaten and murdered just for existing.

Hexbear is Pro Russia, and pro Trans rights, what's so hard to understand?/s

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This is what I've been pointing out all along... Say what you want about Biden funding Israel, Trump is actively worse.

And no, Jill Stein or Cornell West are not viable alternatives.

Just voted for Gabriel Cornejo in my state's primary. Looked him up, liked his policies, voted for him instead of Vermin Supreme, because no way am I voting for Biden in the primary. It's purely symbolic, let's be real, but I did ultimately vote for someone with leftist platform.

It’s not purely symbolic. The bigger candidates often start to address policy positions represented by smaller candidates who get enough votes in the primaries as a way to sway those voters in the general election.

Absolutely! If we can show that there are votes to be taken up by repositioning policies just a little or adding some, then it absolutely in a working 2 party system moves the closest party to adopt those in order to get the votes. And then it's up to consistent pressure to make sure they are worked on while in office, pest they lose trust and that voter base forever.

It's a shame, I'm pretty sure the US is not in a working or stable 2 party system.

Yeah, it’s not a total solution, but it’s better than letting the Dems pander to the centrists.

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Yeah, in the primary all options are valid to vote for, even if it's just symbolic. That still shows where people stand. However, in the general you pick who you need to pick in order to get the best outcome. You don't get to vote for symbolism then, at least if you're a rational person and not just doing something out of an emotional attempt to feel better than other people. It sucks, but that's how the system functions for now at least. Acting morally superior doesn't do anything except allow the morally corrupt to get their way.

Gabriel Cornejo Identified the leading problem in the country and hired the smartest person in the world to fix it.

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And no, Jill Stein or Cornell West are not viable alternatives.

My vote will only ever go to Vermin Supreme.

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The irony of literally anyone (eligible) not voting for Biden specifically because of his handling of the Gaza situation, and thereby doing their part to help Donald "Gotta Finish the Problem" Trump win, makes my bones hurt. I hate this timeline and I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Not voting for Biden in the primaries is perfectly fine.

Agreed and I did the same yesterday. Will vote for Biden in the end, but I registered my complaint. As best I can tell, his tone shifted after Michigan so we'll see if there is more change on the horizon.

I'm usually skeptical of protest votes, but these primary protest votes are actually effective for the same reason voting is effective. Politicians aren't as static as we want to believe- their number one priority is reelection. When you vote, you are telling the candidates that you are politically useful and they will begin to pay attention to your needs. When you vote for all levels of government, you are giving deeper detail into what your needs are.

If a significant portion of a district votes for a Democrat as president, and then a Republican for state representative, the democratic administration will likely make more conservative decisions if they see that portion of the electorate as critical to reelection.

This naturally reveals a big problem with the electoral college, as there are maybe 5 states with critical demographics needed to win reelection. The people in Ohio, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan are more influential to the type of administration a Republican or Democrat would run.

If the Gaza protest vote happened in Washington State or California, I doubt Biden would have reacted as much as he did for Michigan. That said, this problem politicians face goes from the President of the US down to the president of your HOA. So I'll acknowledge that the power of voting fluctuates depending on the specific outcome you are measuring, but there are so many variables. In political science you need to learn to live with paradoxes, and this may be one.

Either way, I believe we should keep voting; they are paying attention.

There are primaries for Dems? I thought Biden was automatically the candidate as current POTUS.

There is still a primary, but the incumbent has only lost his party's nomination 4 times, only Democrat Franklin Pierce in 1856 was elected the other 3 ascended from Vice President. It has never happened since the modern primary system was created in the 1970s.

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If any American ever has any questions about the Weimar Republic and why Germans didn't stop Hitler when they still had a chance to do so, just point them to the run up to the 2024 presidential election. People who secretly want fascist leaders will always have an excuse, if one goes away, they already have another excuse waiting.

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Yes and these people become excessively angry with you when you point it out. Their goal isn't really to find a solution, it is to express discontent. They are divorced enough from reality that when you mention that Trump would be worse, they tend to lash out at you instead.

Ha I was debating (?) some gradbears with the argument that not voting against Donnie would result in more suffering but their replies can be summed up as "not my problem, I'd feel worse if I did"

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Trump also repeatedly claimed that if he were president, there would be no war between Israel and Gaza. “It would have never happened if I was president,” he said of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack against Israel, in which more than 1,100 Israeli and foreign nationals were killed. “They wouldn’t have done it to me, I guarantee you that. They did this because they have no respect for Biden and frankly they got soft,” he added.

uh huh

They would never have done it if he was president. They only attacked because of biden.

But sure, yeah... go ahead and just not vote. Letting Trump in will be so much better for the Palestinians.

A week ago, the difference between the two would have been that Trump would enable Israel in every way, while Biden would enable Israel in every way, but staffers would leak stories about how much Biden didn't like Netanyahu from time to time. Now, Biden has started sending aid to Gaza while Harris is calling for a ceasefire, and this is entirely because 100K voters in Michigan voted uncommitted. When done properly, threatening to withhold your vote can be an effective way to make your voice heard.

I think you make a great point, but I would add a caveat. There IS a difference between Biden and trump. One will listen to protesters, and the other won't. You can pressure Biden and he will change his position because he seems to care what voters think, and Trump doesn't.

Yeah, I agree with that. And, to be clear, I think there have always been tons of differences between Biden and Trump on almost every issue besides Israel/Gaza. I was just saying that, on this single issue, the difference between Biden and Trump would have been mostly rhetoric, not policy, up until the Michigan primary voters convinced Biden to change. I definitely didn't mean to imply they were generally the same.

Now, Biden has started sending aid to Gaza

But he hasn't stopped sending weapons to Israel

Yeah, I'm not saying there's been enough change, just that there has been some change, and it was brought on by people threatening to withhold their vote.

it was brought on by people threatening to withhold their vote.

Its definitely been a wake-up call to the party. Watching Biden shed 20% of Democratic voter turnout in a fucking primary is something. Obama and Clinton never had these kinds of problems in '12 and '96. And guys that did - Carter getting burned by Ted Kennedy in '80 and Bush to Buchanan in '92 - should have been a warning to the party as a whole.

Yeah, I'll be honest, I'm very worried about this election. I'm still unhappy with Biden's approach to Israel, but at least now they can credibly argue that voting for him would be harm reduction for Palestinians. Maybe that will be enough to drive turnout.

at least now they can credibly argue that voting for him would be harm reduction

Right until the polls close in November, at which point its back to business as usual.

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Color me surprised that the facist sympathizes with other fascists committing a genocide.

I've asked it before, but I wonder how Hitler would react to Israel. Probably be beaming with pride, like a master does when their apprentice surpasses them. I imagine when Netanyahu finally shuffles his way off this mortal coil, and his soul goes wherever Hitler's is, Adolf will probably shake his hand.

Unless I'm getting wooshed on sarcasm.... you realize Israel is full of the descendants of the Jewish people Hitler displaced, right?

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Trump loving other countries doing "strong man" types of atrocities? Who would have thought!

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Still uncommitted?

Given that Trump is running in the Republican primary, I'm unsure how this would effect anyone voting uncommitted in a Democratic primary?

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Remember Trump isn't on the democratic ballot. You can't vote against him until November. Your only choice in the primaries is to vote for Biden or vote that you are here for the other progressive and democratic choices down ballot but Biden has to earn that commitment by doing something against his own personal desire to be a Zionist and instead help starving children get food.

Uncommitted doesn't mean I'm never going to vote for Biden. It just means he has to earn it through action.

Sure, but how many people are casting uncommitted or seeing how unpopular Biden is and are going to stay home in November because of it? My guess is not zero.

I get the protest and the timing, but it’s unclear if it’s really inoffensive in the general.

You don't get the protest then!

If Biden fears this uncommitted vote movement then he will have to do something to stop it in its tracks.

Using his power to stop the weapons and money transfers to Israel and using the words Ceasefire Now would be a start. If he starts doing concrete actions to stop ten year old children wasting away and dying of starvation then the uncommitted vote movement would be over.

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Oh I don't doubt that the "uncommited" oppose Trump, too. The problem is the Genocide Joe rhetoric and other similar bullshit. You push that narrative and it may very well have lingering effects in Trump's favor during the general election. Maybe in other elections it didnt matter quite as much, but this is Trump were talking about. Why do you and others like you not get that? Hello, knock, knock. Trump is fully embracing the Hitler playbook and aiming to be president of the Most Powerful Nation on Earth. And you want to bitch about Biden? At this moment...? SMH, it is your sort of fractious indiscipline and short-sightedness that allows fascism to gain power, laughing all the way at your stupidity and inability to mount a coherent defence of democracy. You think you have nothing to lose, but you do. Things can get much, much worse.

Exactly, some people will take this uncommitted thing all the way to the general election. Biden only won by a few hundred thousand votes in swing states. If you weaken enthusiasm in folks to come out for him, all it takes is a few hundred thousand to stay home and Trump will win. Not voting for Biden will elect Trump. You will be helping Trump. You will be electing Trump. And encouraging others to do the same just for fun in the primary is a dangerous game of chicken. You don’t play with loaded guns. Don’t play with the last election the United States may ever have.

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A lot of uncommitted voters are going to vote for Biden out of harm reduction. They might vote against AIPAC-endorsed candidates if they only have Democrats in their ballots. I know I would, but if there is a Republican, I'd have to vote for an AIPAC-endorsed democrat.

In the primary? Absolutely. It's the only way I can demand more from Biden as a representative. These are voters who went out of their way to get up and vote for the democratic primary, just not for Biden. This is a huge way to put pressure on Biden and the DNC. These are committed voters protesting within the democratic party. This is the only way democratic voters can put pressure on Biden to change course.

The National is very different, we don't have a choice but to vote for Biden or domestic fascism. I will of course vote for Biden and urge others to as well during the National election. Not a third party or Trump in the National, Biden is the only real option.

This is the reality of our shitty FPTP democracy.

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In all honesty I think if Trump was president right now, not only would I have been shot about 2 years ago (lots of Trump assholes around me and I was pretty vocal on the town page when I was on FB back in 2020), we absolutely would have boots on the ground in Gaza.

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Oh, good.

So the only reason to not vote for Biden is also a reason to not vote for trump. At least Biden seems to be at least signaling for cease fires.

It's not much, but at least Biden is malleable on this. He can be persuaded to make the attempt to try to slow the Israelis down, maybe even stop arms shipments to Israel altogether (or at least add conditions). If Trump comes in, he'd probably go in the complete opposite direction out of spite for liberals and would try to help the Israeli genocide even harder. It's not a great choice, but the choice of least harm in this case is still Biden.

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And people think Democrats will vote on support Trump because Biden won't denounce Israel...

It's at least in part Russian propaganda. They don't want people to vote for Trump, they do want democratic voters to not vote at all, which will help Trump get elected.

Look at the people pushing the 'genocide Joe' thing. Invariably they're anti-NATO and make excuses for Iran, Syria and Russia. Not that they're doing it deliberately, but plenty seem to have bought the propaganda and are acting like useful idiots by spreading it.

Anytime someone goes to name calling I assume they are a bad actor. We can have a serious discussion on the matter without devolving into name calling so I just assume they are trying to sew discord more than anything else.

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Man, I was worried for a second he would take the opposite stance.

I'm really torn on this one. On the one hand, Republicans ALWAYS take the exact opposite stance of Democrats so they can set up the argument as "Democrats bad" but on the other hand Trump is such a massive pile of shit that he would totally be for "bombing dark skinned people" just because.

So he openly proposes the Endlösung? Wherever you are in the US, kick some grandpa's ass (provided they helped rid Europe of Hitler) and stump their noses into this topic so they see what Trump is.

There are only about 325,000 WW2 veterans left alive in the US. They are not a significant voting block.

They may not be, but they have children and grandchildren they could teach the dangers of Nazis.

Throw in a "hey dad, why are you fighting for all of the the things grandpa fought against in the war?"

They will never see what Trump is. Orange Hitler could break into their house in the middle of the night and rape their wife while beating their children while they look on in awe at the honor of being visited by Satan's enforcer. It's what cults do.

He must mean finish the "solution"

The dude talks at a 3rd grade level.

I think here he is thinking of "finish" in the sense of "finishing off", not in the sense of "finishing up with". He is not wishing for Israel to "solve" the issue, he is calling for them to kill all Palestinians.

At least in my reading.

I think it's supposed to be vague enough that they can tell "moderates" it means "finish the conflict" but the MAGAs understand it as "final solution."

I doubt Trump puts so much thought into his choice of words.

I don't think he walks in there with notecards, no. I think he's in the habit of trying to talk like Stringer Bell about things after decades of being a modestly successful white collar criminal. I think that at this point answering questions with vague phrases isn't a conscious strategy so much as just part of who he is.

The quote is "You have to finish the problem,". English is inexact but it seems clear to my reading that Trump means exterminating Palestinians or at least Hamas.

It's just an awkward rephrasing to avoid the words "final solution", which is what he really wanted to say, but that's still a bit too mask off for now.

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if you haven't caught on to Trump's imply/deny strategy yet then I think you're a very fine person who needs to stand back and stand by

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Ohh, just how will our little "But Biden saporz Genocide"-crybabies now explain away their "both side is bad" bullshit?

The fact that people legitimately act like Trump is a better option for president than Biden because he hadn't up until this point actively voiced support for Israel speaks volumes about how fucking doomed and politically ill-informed our country's voter base is.

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Jesus fuck trump is one dumb mother fucker. So many dipshits were gonna not vote for Biden because of his non committal bullshit when it comes to Gaza. Which, ill admit, is annoying me as well but obviously not so much I'm gonna not vote.

Then this orange fuck comes along and makes sure to push those people back to Biden.

If he comes out saying anything other than "kill all the brown people, especially the children" his base will get suspicious.

Holy shit, what a moron. Biden should really send a thank you card for that nice little gift.

The general election will be a competition between two senile goons shouting "I love Israel more than you!" at one another from across a debate stage.

Then we'll all get an earful about how voting is a civic duty and you need to choose which one is the lesser of the two evils.

Are people really surprised about his attitude about this? From Mr. "You have to kill their families!"?

Trump is so dumb he destroys the carefully crafted russian narrative that actually might have won hin that whole thing, because some leftist are just to dumb. It's stupidity all the way down and up.

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I mean, this is what the Democrats need to focus on if you want to get back those 20% percent lost in the primary to undecided.

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The uncommitted were always derpy for ignoring the obvious. Now what will they do with their time?

Voting noncommitted in the Primary is the least derpy or ignorant thing you could possibly do in this situation. They weren't voting Biden vs Trump, that's not how primaries work, they were voting Biden vs literally any other Democrat and chose the latter.

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What do you think the point of a primary is, if not for voters to express there views to their political party?

Trump isn't running in the Democratic primary ffs.

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That's funny, "gotta finish the problem" is the same argument I have for making use of the guillotine in American politics, beginning with one orange cunt in particular.

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The problem is religion.

Religion is the exuse.. It's neither the reason nor the problem.

Excuses are what enables something to happen even when the right solution is different.

I am not sure about your point. I think that we agree on this, but it sounds like you are making a counter argument.

If religion was the reason, then this genocide would happen everywhere and all the time.

You could argue that it does or at least did. But in this case and in most modern day cases. the true motives are not religion and genocides would have happened even if there was no religion. In the Israel Vs Hamas, the conflict is not religion. It is the right to exist Vs the right to land. Some may have used religion as a historic backdrop, but this has nothing to do with religion.

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Problem is colonialism lol

Erosion of ethics on the use of force rather.

For just a few decades there was an illusion of "the West" having some success in making those ethics the baseline.

What ethic since 1920 its 100% colonialism Israël is younger as a country than my grand father wtf. You dont immigrate thousand of people and steal territory by ethic.

Repatriation is the term. Jews do, after all, originate from Judea and Samaria. I hope you are not going to argue with that.

Modern state of Israel is younger, but there were Jewish states there in antique times destroyed by force. I hope you are not going to argue with that either.

These things said, that's not quite the approach Israeli elites themselves take - they are exactly colonialist and proud of that, so probably that state should be cut down to something like "initial Zionist settlements plus Eilat with land connecting them and some farmland", that'd still be quite viable as a state due to sea and technological development.

No with this logic anyone that had ancester at some point somewhere can 'repatriate' there but that's not how it works in international law.

That's exactly how it works in right, and "international law" you can stick into some overused orifice of your body.

Yeah let's see how everyone love Israël and respect them. I'm sure all their child will love to live with this just look at Germany

This is now about Jews, not Israel. Jews do have the right to repatriate.

Just like I have the right to repatriate to Western Armenia, and my grandchildren if there'll be any will have that right, and their grandchildren.

I am a lifelong atheist and disagree with this. Religion isn't the problem, bad people are. Religion is a vehicle for bad people to harm those who are vulnerable.

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Yeah, no kidding he would. All the tankies acting like "both sides" is a legit position probably cannot see just how much worse he'll be...

there was an indication 45 would be bad, during his presidency he did a bunch unexpectedly, that means my poor imagination has no clue how awful some of the stuff he implements will be

I'm sure some people are having the same sentiments about Donald Trump right now.

I thought this was a satricial publication for a solid minute. Until I saw the tweet.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Donald Trump is hoping to win big on Super Tuesday, and he kicked off the primary’s most vote-rich day with one of his favorite traditions from his time as president: calling in to Fox News to deliver an unhinged rant.

The former president called Fox & Friends on Tuesday morning, where he celebrated Monday’s Supreme Court decision barring states from removing him from the ballot, doubled down on his claims that migrants are “poisoning our country,” and declared that Israel has to “finish the problem” in Gaza.

“People are coming from jails and prisons, and mental institutions and insane asylums, and there are terrorists,” he said of undocumented migrants crossing the southern border into the United States.

As previously reported by Rolling Stone, Trump has basked in criticism of his rhetoric on immigration and privately vowed to take things even further.

Behind the scenes, Trump and his closest allies have been hard at work identifying legal loopholes that would allow them to carry out a hardline crackdown on undocumented immigration without needing to consult Congress.

As Rolling Stone reported in January, one such proposal includes the revival of the Alien Enemies Act, a zombie law that allows presidents to unilaterally authorize the deportation of foreign individuals.

The original article contains 668 words, the summary contains 206 words. Saved 69%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Having Biden think you won't vote for him on Nov is a protest. Politicians don't want to lose power. Now will people actually stay home or vote for Trump? I'm guessing no.