Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem' to politics – 811 points –
Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem'

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I hope this gets posted in all the leftist boards. People need to understand Biden is a continuation of the United States' wishy-washy policies on Palestinians whereas Trump is pedal to the floor full acceleration towards genocide. Biden has shown he can at least be pressured into taking minor steps in the right direction. Being able to claim moral purity at the expense of a genocided Palestine will ring pretty hollow.

Looking forward to what the Republicans cosplaying as leftists use instead of "genocide Joe" now that Donald is calling for a final solution.

It will most likely continue to get used completely unironically along with cheering on the bombs.

Pick one:

  • Geriatric Joe, the president too senile to make up his mind on which side to support.

  • Gray-area Joe, the weak president that refuses to take a stance on foreign affairs.

  • Bystander Biden, the president that did nothing to end the Israel-Palestine war.

And so forth. They'll always find some other stupid thing to blame him for.

It's an election year, they're just trying to get their favorite orange fash in office. Horseshoe theory is a bitch.

Along with what everyone else is saying, I think they could probably still try to make an attempt at taking like, a false moral position, along the lines of an accelerationism-style "oh, well, trump seeking to escalate the war would end it more quickly, thus, saving more lives in the long run" kind of thing. Obviously based on kind of false pretenses, but then, I think a lot of their political positions kind of assume war and resource extraction as an inevitability, and power as an ultimate moral good, on a deeper level, and the fascism and propaganda mind games they play are just kind of a stupid extension of that.

Its not republicans, its russian shills/bots... ok wait... yeah, guess ur right.

And for the life of me, his correct name that ive been pushing since 2019, is Status Quo Joe. It was an insult then, cant believe its a vague defense now.

Plus the fact that Biden is definitively anti Ukrainian genocide, and Trump would not only pull US support of Ukraine, he would actively try to discourage NATO

I mean if we start talking about all the horrible things that will happen under a Trump presidency, we'll never stop.

Until the men with guns put black bags over our heads and shove us into vans in the middle of the night.

The "ppl" pushing the narrative ur complaining about arent on Ukraines side, nor or they on the side of NATO. Theyre busy convincing everyone they can that literally all western news is propaganda and the only true news will come from state sources in russia, china, etc.

The goal when engaging that side should, for the sane, anyway, always be not to convert the person ur speaking to, bc even if they arent bots/shills, their bad faith arguments turn aggressive incredibly quickly. Instead, the goal should be to demonstrate to the onlookers the absurdness of the tankie's position, and who it benefits/who is responsible for fabricating the position in the first place.

Theyre busy convincing everyone they can that literally all western news is propaganda and the only true news will come from state sources in russia, china, etc.

you made this up

I mean, Biden absolutely is wishy washy.

But he also reversed Trump's policy of saying West Bank settlement is legal, and sanctioned violent Israeli settlers.

Obviously Gaza's really bad, but what's happened and happening in the West Bank is also arguably ethnic cleansing. Chasing Palestinians off their land. Trump's a fan.

But he also reversed Trump's policy of saying West Bank settlement is legal, and sanctioned violent Israeli settlers.

Israel announced this month that they are authorizing the creation of increased settlements in the West Bank.

If Biden used the power of the United States to stop this and to undo the existing illegal settlements then he would deserve credit. He will never choose to do this though. This is because Biden, and all mainstream Democrats and Republicans, are Zionists who believe Israel should not be forcibly prevented from expanding its current borders.

Trump is worse. But mainstream politicians are also horrific. It is equivalent to the choice between the gradualist death by a thousand cuts used by John Roberts vs the immediate exercise of power used by Samuel Alito. Either way, liberty and morality will be destroyed.

We need to demand better as American citizens. No one else can correct the United States but us

Biden is a continuation of the United States' wishy-washy policies on Palestinians whereas Trump is pedal to the floor full acceleration towards genocide.

If these are the only options that our system offers us, then why shouldn't we demand our system be replaced?

Democrats are inadequate, Republicans are worse. If this is the only choice available within the United States, then why do we citizens allow the United States to continue?

United States’ wishy-washy policies on Palestinians

Wishy-washy policies is my favorite way to say "apartheid ethnostate"

I have a strict "no genocide" policy. Candidates that promote, endorse, allow, or sit idly by and let others do genocide are gonna be a no go from me.

It's not going to change unless we make demands.

I have a strict “no genocide” policy.

That's not one of the options though. You get to pick which genocide. You either get restrained genocide, or full genocide with a side of dismantling American democracy.

Tell your kids how you rationalized voting for genocide.

Happily, and I'll teach them how to do the same, when necessary. Unlike your parents apparently.

Sometimes there's no good choice, only bad and worse. That's how life works and I'm sad your parents never prepared you for that.

Sometimes there's no good choice


And what conclusions can be drawn about who does and does not hold power in the United States?

And what should be done to the United States to correct this?

You mean critical thinking?
As soon as it's assured Trump loses, and the subsequent cou de tat is quelled, you can all camp the White House front lawn and shake the fences, throw red paint, call old Biden an accessory to murder. Fill your boots.

But not before.

Balancing on the tightrope with hell yawning below, is hardly the time to consider changing your shoelaces.

As soon as it's assured Trump loses, and the subsequent cou de tat is quelled, you can all camp the White House front lawn and shake the fences, throw red paint, call old Biden an accessory to murder. Fill your boots.

None of that will cause any structural change, which is why it is permitted

How can we reshape the United States such that genocide is never permitted again?

So just keep quiet for the next 6 months as Gaza starves?

That sounds bad. But you have to remember that they're brown and Muslim. Which means it's OK.

Fish don't have any feelings, which makes it ok to eat them. Same logic applies here.

Remember to vote blue no matter who. And always remember that the United States is a good country filled with moral people

Letting the most immoral thing happen as you sit on your hands isn't a moral victory on your part. It's a moral failing. If you had the chance to save ten people but one of them had to die, and you choose to let all of them die, you didn't do something moral.

You can pretend to yourself that your making a stand that matters, but any rational person see that you are choosing to let more harm be done because you can't stand to do something a little dirty but better. It's weak, not moral. We sometimes have to do the thing we wish we didn't in order to get the best outcome possible.

You don't clean your toilet because you enjoy it. You clean it because it needs to be done, and sometimes getting a little dirty is better than letting things get worse.

If I have kids, I genuinely hope they ask me that. I hope they get angry at me, because the concept of a tacit genocide supporter being the lesser evil is unthinkable. I want them to live in a world where there aren't moral conundrums like that, and the closest they come to them is in gritty video games and academic hypotheticals.

I'm willing to support the lesser evil and have blood on my hands so they can live in a better world and condemn me for it. I will be thrilled if that comes to pass.

I expect to have Jill Stein and cornel west on my ballot.

Stein thinks the US forced Russia into invading Ukraine and doesn't support US aid or involvement for Ukrainians. Hardly unexpected, since she's dined with Russian oligarchs at anniversary dinners for RT.

As far as I'm concerned, she's Genocide Jill. I don't recall her criticizing RT when someone on there suggested drowning Ukrainian children.

What are West's positions on Ukraine?

>Stein thinks the US forced Russia into invading Ukraine

she never said that. she has said it was an illegal invasion, though.

>What are West’s positions on Ukraine

i've heard him say similar things to jill, but also that the shooting needs to stop.

>she’s dined with Russian oligarchs at anniversary dinners for RT.

this contains both misinformation and innuendo. she went to one dinner, and she paid her own way. RT was one of the few outlets that would give her air time during her 2012 presidential bid, which is more of a commentary on the corporate media and political parties than on anything she's ever done.

Neither of which are options.

if they are in the ballot, they are options

That's not how it works. Either Biden or Trump will win. Anything else, you might as well not vote.

> That’s not how it works

you are literally allowed to choose anyone on the ballot. you're spreading election misinformation

You're allowed to not vote, which is what voting 3rd party is.

this is more election misinformation

You saying that doesn't make it any more true.

Gotta come up with something better or Putin will stop paying you

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Jill Stein, yes, Cornell West? I wouldn't bet on it. He's 2 for 50 so far... I guess if you live in Alaska or Oregon, you're in luck.

He's going to wish he stayed the Green candidate.

Either way, they'll pull a tiny segment of the vote and won't win a single state, just like always.

jill says they're on track to hit 5% this november. that's something worth voting for.

Hey, there's a first time for anything...

Libertarian - 1.18%
Green - 0.26% (Howie Hawkins)

Libertarian - 3.28%
Green - 1.07% (Jill Stein)

Libertarian - 0.99%
Green - 0.36% (Jill Stein)

Ralph Nader - 0.56%
Libertarian - 0.40%
Constitution - 0.15%
Green - 0.12% (Cynthia McKinney)

Ralph Nader - 0.38%
Libertarian - 0.32%
Constitution - 0.12%
Green - 0.10% (David Cobb)

Green - 2.74% (Ralph Nader)
Reform - 0.43% (Pat Buchanen)
Libertarian - 0.36%
Constitution - 0.09%
Natural Law - 0.08%

In order to hit 5%, she would have to do twice as well as Nader did in 2000.

That is never going to happen.

are you suggesting a politician would get in front of a camera and just lie??

She's probably hopeful, delusionally so, but hopeful.

Nobody running for President is going to come out and just admit "Ok, yeah, I have trouble breaking 1%... but THIS TIME..."

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