Egypt sentences top leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to death | Africanews to World – 144 points –
Egypt sentences top leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to death  | Africanews

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Wow, my western parents cut the tip of my infant dick off just because they thought it looked better that way.

But go off on Egypt being backwards, king

Both male and female circumcision is bad, but one of them is significantly worse.


Me: Physician, heal thyself

You: Whataboutism

More like

You: "som country did something shitty therefore every country gets to be shitty forever"

Me: two wrongs don't make a right.

Calling a whole country backwards while your own country is doing something backwards is hypocritical, thanks for coming to my ted talk

Do two wrongs make a right?

If you and your buddy both shit your pants then you should put in some new underwear before complaining about the smell of your friend

Do two wrongs make a right?

Are you under the impression that I approve of cutting off the female clitoris because I take issue with your hypocrisy?

I guess that's more comfortable for you to believe, but then consider that that by your own logic you are defending male genital mutilation.

I am under the impression that you won't answer a simple question.

I've established that I am against any form of genital mutilation. You've established you're only against the kind your country doesn't widely, widely practice.

At what point have I made that claim? At best this is strawmannning and deflection at worse it is outright lying.

That’s pretty fucked up my dude

Hope you’re okay. Genital mutilation is horrible

Cutting off the clit is more like cutting off your cock head, though I agree circumcision is unnecessary.

Both are backwards, barbaric rituals that exist so parents don't have to accept their genitals are fucked up.