Now that search engines suck, people will start to bookmark again. to – 288 points –

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The only reason I don't bookmark much, is because I'm actively hoarding 517 tabs.

That was me, but I found bookmarking to be better. Very rarely I've had Chrome crash and not be able to recover my tabs. With bookmarking, I don't need to worry about that. And I can pick up my browsing on a different device very easily with bookmarking, as my bookmarks are automatically synced via chrome.

I just moved to a new computer and cleaned up all my tabs.

You have Tabs Diseaseā„¢ and the cure is bookmarks. Spend some time organizing your bookmarks. Set reminders to read or do things so you can close the ones you won't need in the future. This is the equivalent of living in a messy room surrounded by trash, dirty laundry, and clean but unfolded laundry. Gotta take some time away from living and playing to clean up.