Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem' to politics – 811 points –
Trump Backs Israel Bombarding Gaza: 'Gotta Finish the Problem'

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Mocking a genocide of 35,000 humans for internet points… 🤦‍♂️

What a uniquely disturbing inability to have any awareness of context whatsoever!

Are you actually incapable of reading things as they're written and just see words and react, or do you actually know what they're saying and are just trolling? The issue they were very obviously addressing is that many people are acting as though Trump is somehow a better option because Biden supports Israel, so the question now becomes how will these people respond when they see that Trump (obviously) also supports what Israel is doing. I find it very difficult to believe that you don't know that, but if you somehow don't, how do you get around the world with such a limited capacity for extracting meaning the things people say?

Easy. I don’t deny that Biden is complicit in a Genocide in Gaza.

Complicit vs encouraging and doubling down on it. Biden is complicit in genocide, yet Trump will only make it worse and more guaranteed. He cheered on Hamas killing Israeli civilians and cheers on Israel killing Palestinian civilians. He just wants death.

Is it November already? Where did the year go?

You're right, I must wait until the day before the election to speak up. My bad!

When are you gonna speak up about the current genocide?

The current genocide being carried out by Israel against Palestinians and supported by almost all American politicians, including Biden? The genocide that we need to not shut up about because it's a bad idea for literally everyone on top of being evil beyond measure? The imminent slaughter of a million children and adolescents? That genocide?

Nah, I've never said a word about that. I totally don't tell anyone who might listen about how terrible it is. Nope, I'm exactly the liberal caricature you think I am. If I started from the same facts as you, I'd totally share your opinions because you're an absolute genius about everything compared to me.

Using the G word for the situation = instant disqualification from any serious discussion.

Sorry. This ethnic cleansing is clearly genocidal by now. They want the Palestinians in Gaza gone, and neighboring countries are not capable or willing to take them. That leaves death as the most likely fate for almost all Gazans. A million kids live there for fuck's sake. It's evil Nazi shit being done by the very fuckers who claim criticism of Israel is antisemitism.

They are Judeo-fascists, because no fucking group will ever be immune to fascism: Socialists, feminists, African Americans, trans people, every conceivable group of people for the rest of human history. There is no identity that cannot lead to fascism.

have to say you're being pretty colourful with the lingo here, but at the same time that reveals you're not a serious person.

Oh, got it. I can only use the term genocide after the genocide is fully completed. I guess it helps you virtue signal by saying "never again" without actually having to put in work when "again" comes around.

Last time I listened to the "boy who cried wolf" argument, I was proven wrong. We should have listened when Trump was called a fascist in 2016. It was unpopular to use that F word then, but what else can you call the Republicans now? It's just what they are.

If you can't use the word "wolf" until after it's eaten all your sheep, you're not a good Shepherd.