Six people killed in Canadian capital in rare case of mass murder to – 74 points –

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Inb4 ammosexuals racing to declare "sEe It DoEsN't WoRk!"

When guns are illegal, it makes it harder to get guns (both legally and illegally). Crimes like this can still happen, but the criminal is much more likely to use a knife not a gun.

There are situations where a knife is just as deadly as a gun. Occasionally they can be even more deadly. But, for the most part, the public is much safer when criminals are using knives not guns.

The whole “see, gun control doesn’t work” argument is definitely stupid, but I’ve also seen a lot of “this only happens in one country” comments when there are American mass shootings which is also patently false.

Edit: the article didn't specify it was a knife attack at the time of my post; my comment doesn’t apply

I think the kernel of truth to consider when dismissing those "only in America" comments is that the US has a specific and unique crisis with these kinds of massacres on its hands

Other countries that have these kinds of attacks as often as America are mostly ones facing terrorist cells, violent and entrenched organized crime, or full on war.

I agree, I just hate the lack of nuance. It also gives the NRA cult fan club the ability to derail what could be a more productive conversation by turning it into a conversation about mass casualty incidents outside of the US.

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