Need help choosing my new device to – 36 points –


I will certainly buy a new android phone in the next month and I will need help choosing which one.

My requirements : has support from LineagesOs, ability to root, good battery, NFC and Google Pay should work even after root, camera should be at least OK, price under 200€ (or even 150€). I have seen devices in that range that satisfy almost all the requirements.

My current phone is Mi Mix 2 from 2019 and still usable but battery drain in one day even though I don't use it that much. I changed battery recently but nothing changed so I am always carrying an external battery. So a similar phone with bigger battery and good camera can be a good candidate. I always bought Xiaomi devices and I don't know how are the other brands.


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Get a second-hand Pixel 3 and put Lineage on it.

Better yet graphene OS

The GrapheneOS team strongly recommend against rooting devices. Google Wallet doesn't support them as they won't pass Google's Safety Net. Never tried to root a GrapheneOS device so not sure if it's possible to force a pass.

They also strongly recommend against using Firefox

The beloved Firefox? Would you - in a nutshell - explain this to me, please ??

There's some kind of native sandboxing situation with their chromium browser that Firefox doesn't have. The way they shit talk Firefox in the process though makes me skeptical it could possibly matter that much

I see a refurbished q28gb model for €210 on a website here... But the Pixel 3 is six years old by now. Is that a good price for this phone? I have a Huawei Mate 10 pro which is starting to act up, but that's only a year older.

It’s cheap yet functional, well-supported by lineageOS and other custom ROMs.

It also looks beautiful.

I dunno... I also see a Pixel 6 for about 40€ more. Which is also supported by LineageOS, at least. Seems a better buy, but I'm not too well-informed here. What do you think?

Newer models would get more support in the long run, but they tend to be expensive

If Pixel 6 is affordable, then that would be the best option.