Please Stop to Lemmy – 1279 points –

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How do you see memes like this? Because I see them as lame and sad, especially since we have been seeing them for 10+ years now and they are still the same. But apparently you think blockchain has reasonable uses.


Only misguided?

I mean usually they are accompanied by false information and references to stuff like "crypto bros", "pyramid schemes",...

You said "memes like this". This one I see as misguided. Ones that shit on crypto and nft I generally agree with.

This one is shitting on crypto.

No, it's shitting on blockchain too. The only options are "don't use blockchain" and "stop making crypto" which is misguided. I agree with the sentiment about crypto, not about blockchain

There is no blockchain without crypto.

This is false. Bitcoin was the first modern and well known implementation of blockchain but it was not the first.

The principles and methodologies behind blockchain have been slowly building for over 30 years

If you nitpick sure. But in practice crypto is the part that makes blockchain work.

There was a trend to try to separate them many years ago, because some people believed that was the way to push the technology forward - to focus on the blockchain part and try to hide the crypto part that has a bad rep after it was abused in the media as what only criminals use. But it failed. We shouldn't hide the crypto part, but push it forward. That strategy worked! Today we have approved bitcoin etfs which is crazy amazing! And when eth ETF is approved, then all of them will have to be. This is the way.

I have no idea why you are going to the failed arguments from almost 10 years ago.

You are just simply wrong and I don't have the energy left to keep digging up the resources to prove it. Go read my other replies elsewhere. There are even people in this thread who have written long comments detailing the same things I'm saying. You do not understand the history of blockchain, only crypto. You do not understand the underlying technology, nor what differentiates the concept of a blockchain from the type of blockchain used in crypto. So I'm done. Too tired of showing people the truth when they refuse to entertain anything but their existing position.

I'm not wrong at all.

You think you are right because you found some niche situations in where your opinion is valid. But you don't realize, your opinion is still just an opinion and this opinion is weak af.

You don't need to imagine what I understand and what I don't understand after our brief exchange. You have no clue who I am, so don't try.

Hahaha "niche" is what you call multiple massive financial institutions? And that's just what I could pull up in 5 minutes off Google.

Your obstinance is genuinely entertaining 🤣

You're a silly, silly person. Thank you for the laugh. So long, chief

You are completely missing the point. Which is normal if you had to pull stuff from Google to find a small example where in some abstract sense you might be right. Attacking me, a person you know nothing about, is weak.

Weak af.

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Damn! You had my up vote until that last sentence.

Why? He used the same exact words?

Because I agree with everything except the last sentence. Even after a decade the thinks the block chain has no uses.

He literally said he thinks it has uses.

I think he is most certainly right. People that think otherwise should go back to their bar order another one and keep ranting about it to their half dead drunkard friends.

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